Unclefragger wrote:
if you wouldn't have asked for a ban _twice_ in your post they most likely would have just deleted it

hehehhe yeah they didn't actually ban me cause of those post. I was banned cause i posted a PM from H0i where he threatened to ban me if i don't shut up...Ok i sorta posted it 3 times, they delete the first one and i just post it again. XD
Not that i really care too much if i can access the forum, not like they're posting anything smart there XD.
Mitsubishi is a class A ass kisser that spends his entire day on that forum.
Any of you "older" guys remember Ultima Acension game also referred as Ultima IX last in the series? We waited for that game for ages, every time they would set a release date something would happen and the release date would be changed. 4.2 is this generations Ultima IX.