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 Post subject: Re: Admin Rights
PostPosted: 05.27.10 
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BEH wrote:
u could also try to be a good medic.. keep more of yours alive than the snipers can kill :)
Then it isnt interesting to snipe anymore.. since they lose?

Snipers often kill with one shot so it's kinda hard to keep the dead alive.

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


 Post subject: Re: Admin Rights
PostPosted: 05.27.10 
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SR8, known as finger of god, is weapon that put's all players skill into one. Dodge enemy shots, aim and shot fast, cover all areas, quickly change weapon when rusher comes (or even hit him with sr8=almost impossible, but now i can do that as well) etc. Noob can't use sr8, since they can't stop for 0.5 sec and move again. Yes, sometimes they hit you at same moment you come out, but that means he's aiming at same spot, so just change position. Hitting him from other side is peace of cake (if he's visible).

Moving sr8, steve's style, is really hardest way to play.

Yes, it usually does instakill, yet you have 25% chance to hit (if you're pro, lower otherways), if you miss, you're dead. So, no, you can't ban that.



 Post subject: Re: Admin Rights
PostPosted: 05.27.10 
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AimMe wrote:

lolz 1.) I DON'T use Sr-8 for few months so i can do only instakill if i hit enemy to head with no helmet :P Yeah i could use it but its too tempting to find a good place and stay there.. (yeah i do it with my AK sometimes but that gives enemy higher chances)
2.) "Noob can't use sr8" -> this is the BEST part :lol: they dont move.. they just sit scoped to some place and if somebody shows up they just shoot. Noob on a good place with SR-8 can have a score like 10:0 easily..
3.) As mentioned higher you dont need any skill to play with sr-8. But yes if u wanna move and play dynamically you need it.. 8-)

Yeah i sometimes use SR-8 but only when on SR-8 only servers or total fun and random servers.. ;)


 Post subject: Re: Admin Rights
PostPosted: 05.27.10 
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eXtr33m wrote:
2.) "Noob can't use sr8" -> this is the BEST part :lol: they dont move.. they just sit scoped to some place and if somebody shows up they just shoot. Noob on a good place with SR-8 can have a score like 10:0 easily..

That's not using of weapon :) That's camping, doesn't matter which weapon camper has, it's annoying. And thos people can ruin that score to 10:20 if there's one good sniper on other side. Once read, he'll be easiest tareget. Just every 10 sec chech that place, he'll be there. As i said, that guy sees only one spot -> From any other angle he's standing target....


If you're rusher he's helples. You'll kill him with thrown knife before he realizes you're killing him. And when you do bunny hopping around, he can't hit you.



 Post subject: Re: Admin Rights
PostPosted: 05.27.10 
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AimMe wrote:
And when you do bunny hopping around, he can't hit you.
Oh yes they can. They so can.

Have you ever walljumped 2-3 times and was flying quite high above the ground and suddenly BOOM you got headshoted, and then you noticed that the guy had 3:14 ratio and you go spec him, and he sits in one place. Actually he's behind a box and he can't see the ground but can only aim at the air.
:x :|

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


 Post subject: Re: Admin Rights
PostPosted: 05.27.10 
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natirips wrote:
AimMe wrote:
And when you do bunny hopping around, he can't hit you.
Oh yes they can. They so can.

Have you ever walljumped 2-3 times and was flying quite high above the ground and suddenly BOOM you got headshoted, and then you noticed that the guy had 3:14 ratio and you go spec him, and he sits in one place. Actually he's behind a box and he can't see the ground but can only aim at the air.
:x :|

happened to me this afternoon tbh :|

made me quit :cry:

tiru: i do sounds like an alien


 Post subject: Re: Admin Rights
PostPosted: 05.28.10 
Ingame Mod
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BEH wrote:
natirips wrote:
AimMe wrote:
And when you do bunny hopping around, he can't hit you.
Oh yes they can. They so can.

Have you ever walljumped 2-3 times and was flying quite high above the ground and suddenly BOOM you got headshoted, and then you noticed that the guy had 3:14 ratio and you go spec him, and he sits in one place. Actually he's behind a box and he can't see the ground but can only aim at the air.
:x :|

happened to me this afternoon tbh :|

made me quit :cry:

Me too :cry: :shock: :o

Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are.


 Post subject: Re: Admin Rights
PostPosted: 05.28.10 
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Joined: 09.28.08
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Location: Solar System
natirips wrote:
AimMe wrote:
And when you do bunny hopping around, he can't hit you.
Oh yes they can. They so can.

Have you ever walljumped 2-3 times and was flying quite high above the ground and suddenly BOOM you got headshoted, and then you noticed that the guy had 3:14 ratio and you go spec him, and he sits in one place. Actually he's behind a box and he can't see the ground but can only aim at the air.
:x :|

Honestly: no, at least no last few months. It happened that i was shot in air, but that were steve, uncle or hummpa on other side.



 Post subject: Re: Admin Rights
PostPosted: 05.28.10 
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nick: [ntr]Shortly
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nick: [ntr]Shortly
skill: 707.602
kills: 526
deaths: 863
ratio: 0.60
AimMe wrote:
natirips wrote:
AimMe wrote:
And when you do bunny hopping around, he can't hit you.
Oh yes they can. They so can.

Have you ever walljumped 2-3 times and was flying quite high above the ground and suddenly BOOM you got headshoted, and then you noticed that the guy had 3:14 ratio and you go spec him, and he sits in one place. Actually he's behind a box and he can't see the ground but can only aim at the air.
:x :|

Honestly: no, at least no last few months. It happened that i was shot in air, but that were steve, uncle or hummpa on other side.
They don't usually persist about camping your favorite path from behind a box so that they can only shoot at jumpers.

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


 Post subject: Re: Admin Rights
PostPosted: 06.07.10 
posted some :)

Joined: 03.30.09
Posts: 84
Campers are easy to knife even in front of them, you just have to survive first hit, then they panic seeing you hoping nearer and nearer, then trying to switch to ump, slash slash, hes dead :)

I mostly die when knifing cause im reckless, just hoping in straight line toward a guy with ak or lm in hands, and without kevlar, i die, will change that :), more rambo style!


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