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PostPosted: 05.27.10 
Ingame Mod
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So instead of map voting lets set a good map cycle with camping and normal maps alternatively. We have to kick a lot of campers on vypla, suburbs and subway.
How do u know who is calling a vote ?

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PostPosted: 05.27.10 
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KnightINDIA wrote:
How do u know who is calling a vote ?
You need eyes of the eagle or you have to know how to use the console. It gets written at the console and the upper left corner of the screen (among all the frags and hits) when someone calls a vote.

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PostPosted: 05.27.10 
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rastaskud wrote:
I played with SR8 and G36.
But it's not fair for the team to play only for his stats.

I play with SR8 or G36 on riyadh not to improve my stats, but because I have great fun with it. Shooting from the middle of the map, from the right side, trying to go the the enemy tower to snipe people from behind, shooting someone camping at the small window, etc. ------> FUN :)
rastaskud wrote:
On a second hand I agree to play some camping maps, but It's very boring when there are 2, 3 or 4 camping maps following.

Totally agree, the best mapcycle is when you can alternate the gameplay between each map. That's why I was thinking about a camping parameter for each map in order to make the voting machine able to avoid this kind of issue in the mapcycle.
By the way, as I wrote somewhere, we will re-think the whole mapcycle system, since the mapcycle is one of the most important thing for a game server. Big/small maps, cycled out bug, custom map 'bug', map which make people leaving, style of playing on some maps, now many 'campers' maps in a row... lots of things to solve and think about. We agreed with Blinky and wurst to take care of that later.
rastaskud wrote:
PS : Svarox, I love your homemade map called he_tennis. (nade playing)

Thanks :) I still need to modify it, at least to make it less ugly than it is now =)
Samtron wrote:
Terrorism 6! At least big enough for 30 players, some sniping spots and enough possibilities to rush.

+100, some people talked about his map years ago =) Ok I'm going to add it to the server, if it's fine we will put it on the vote page. I like terrorism4 too, the way of playing on it is quite different from the 6.

KnightINDIA wrote:
We have to kick a lot of campers on vypla, suburbs and subway.

:o If you consider these maps as maps for campers, what is the problem to have people camping on them ? Not every map can be played in knife only close combat...

In fact this is off-topic.
Forum related to the mapcycle bot : mapcycle-bot-f29/
Forum related to custom maps we could add to the server : nice-maps/

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PostPosted: 05.27.10 
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@rasta: can i get that ^ in high res? :D

Image <- got this from JRandomNoob


PostPosted: 05.27.10 
Ingame Mod
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I've just skimmed through all posts and here is my point of view
my suggentions are

1. remove the small/big cycle system and introduce the good old one-cycle-system

2. reduce the slots, less slots = less campers, blockers, tks, laggs... even five slots less would be great
(because at the present situation it's just unplayable (better said it makes no fun to play) during the 'rushhour' from 6 to 9 o'clock and unfortunatly thats the moment when i have time to play during the workdays :) )

3. something to the map thing
if it continues that way and we remove maps we don't like, we'll stand in a few weeks with a cycle containing only casa, algiers and kingdom
you just can't remove some maps only because you don't like them, because someone (many people) like them otherwise it wouldnt be on the cycle
and be happy about the different views, then you get the best cycle so that everbody has a map that he/she likes 8-)


p.s. the idea to put some new custom maps is great, vote 4 new maps!

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PostPosted: 05.27.10 
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SvaRoX wrote:
Perfect mapcycle to have fun with SR8 or G36 :) It doesn't bother me to play on these maps, even if I love rushing... (except vypla which is crap). And anyway you can still rush, of course it's more challenging than on algiers or swim =)

I can understand why people don't like this mapcycle, what about a camping rating per map like the current size rating to limit vote for "camping maps" ?

ok, but vypla should just be banned. When it loads I just instantly load another map. Sorry, but it's way to big and campy. It's so big, your SR8 cant even hit whats at the end of the damn map :-/

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PostPosted: 05.27.10 
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/me votes for terrorism 6

tiru: i do sounds like an alien


PostPosted: 05.27.10 
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this map is both for snipers and fraggers


PostPosted: 05.28.10 
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it's not too big tho, if i remember correctly.. shud be lots of action with 30 players on.

tiru: i do sounds like an alien


PostPosted: 05.28.10 
Ingame Mod
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OK now moral of the story :-
Remove the big and small map cycle. Keep 1 cycle with no repeated maps (alternate:- it happens dat after 2 maps, the original map is loaded).

Map cycle contains bot camping and fragging maps alternatively.

Most of them r big maps.

Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are.


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