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 Post subject: wallhack
PostPosted: 05.18.10 
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As requested by xtj, here are demos. In first i knew it was, but thought was too short. Then he disconnected and came back. I recorded crossing but no so suspicious aiming. Then on toxic i was sure.

Sorry, big demos.

And what does !spank actually do?

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PostPosted: 05.18.10 
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Imho clean, but I'd like one more opinion about this. Can anyone review them with shownormals?

<XTJ7> !penis
<CuntBot> XTJ7, your penis is 23.3 cm long. 8=========D
<XTJ7> !8ball do i rock?
<CuntBot> XTJ7: OH YEAH !
<BEH> !8ball you lieing too?
<CuntBot> BEH: Totally not.
<BEH> -_-''


PostPosted: 05.18.10 
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And slow motion if possible :)



PostPosted: 05.18.10 
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I watched all three demos and Crossing with timescale 0.8 and shownormals.

For me the demos aren't convincing, I would say he is clean. Of course there are some suspicious moments, but not too much. I think is one of the more experienced players, knows the maps and can predict where enemies will show up.
On Crossing 3:37 he throws a nade at the door, where he can't see the enemy inside. It's suspicious, but he has thrown pre-nades before.
On Crossing 2:57 he waits behind the train and with wallhack he would have been able to see the enemies behind the train. But when the train is gone he needs a moment to aim at them.

I haven't watched all demos very carefully. In which moment in Toxic his wallhack becomes obvisouly for you? I think he just took advantage of his 90 Negev bullets, so he could shoot whenever he walked around a corner.

For me still wallhack is difficult to detect, and it's easy to mix up skill/experience/luck with wallhack.



PostPosted: 05.18.10 
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Watched with slomo (timescale 0.2) and shownormals on ambush, I think it's just headphones. (and probably sometimes accidental firing)

However, what is VEEERY suspicious to me is that he comes back after he's banned. A fair player doesn't hack against a ban. Or?

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


Last edited by natirips on 05.18.10, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: 05.18.10 
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I watched carefully the 3 demos.
I'm only an ingame mod and on my opinion this guy is that he is clear.

I can make a mistake but I also specced him a few times during games and I didn't notice anything wrong.

His nickname is a kind of provocative joke.
Sometimes he seems to use a wallhack but it's because he plays with the IMI NEGEV LMG with a Magazine of 150 Round Capacity.
So he can shoot through the walls or anywhere an enemy could come in.
And it happens that he kills one (e.g in Toxic)

I think his first weapon is obviously his ears with a good sound in his headphones.

I hope some other mods or admins will disagree with my point of view because I don't like to disagree with you AimMe. :)


PostPosted: 05.18.10 
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rastaskud wrote:
I hope some other mods or admins will disagree with my point of view because I don't like to disagree with you AimMe. :)

Well, i can mistake too :)

Samtron wrote:
For me still wallhack is difficult to detect, and it's easy to mix up skill/experience/luck with wallhack.

That is true.

natirips wrote:
Watched with slomo (timescale 0.2) and shownormals on ambush, I think it's just headphones. (and probably sometimes accidental firing)

However, what is VEEERY suspicious to me is that he comes back after he's banned. A fair player doesn't hack against a ban. Or?

That was xtj who unbanned him, but he forgot to say ingame :)

About sound: no. He isn't listening to them. Why i think so? If you watch crossing normaly, you'll see (hear) he doesn't listen to footsteps. If he was he would walk sometimes, sometimes hear and sometimes try to turn around and catch them.

Now about where in toxic:
At 10:45 and 10:16 he passes part and doesn't check. But at 9:37, he did check, and player was there. It is possible that he heared bleeding sound before, but i heared it only in timescale 0.3, not in normal speed. Or he has big screen and he saw small part of hands, and then looked, but i doublt it.

Around 8:23 he shoots at guy who was not seen, aiming at him before seeing him. That place is crowded, and could be luck, but is still suspicious. Most players will first get rid of other side.

One more thing, he sux at throwing nades :)

And i still can't believe thing on ambush is luck.
And i still think i may be wrong, but may not be wrong as well.



PostPosted: 05.18.10 
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AimMe wrote:
natirips wrote:
However, what is VEEERY suspicious to me is that he comes back after he's banned. A fair player doesn't hack against a ban. Or?

That was xtj who unbanned him, but he forgot to say ingame :)
AaAAAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAaaaaAAAA. If you're reading this, take my apologies.

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


PostPosted: 05.18.10 
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natirips wrote:
However, what is VEEERY suspicious to me is that he comes back after he's banned. A fair player doesn't hack against a ban. Or?
That was xtj who unbanned him, but he forgot to say ingame
Okay, it's clarified now. In general a suspect should come to our forum first and try to clear the situation.

rastaskud wrote:
I'm only an ingame mod [...]
An ingame moderator isn't less worth than any other player. In fact you are one of the greatest fear for all cheaters on the Wurst servers!

AimMe wrote:
At 10:45 and 10:16 he passes part and doesn't check. But at 9:37, he did check, and player was there. It is possible that he heared bleeding sound before, but i heared it only in timescale 0.3, not in normal speed. Or he has big screen and he saw small part of hands, and then looked, but i doublt it.
I would say that's the reason. The enemy's hand and gun were peeking out of the corner, and started shooting after the enemy got clearly visible (at least for me on 1440x900 and FOV 100). The enemy was stupid, just stood there instead of aiming in's direction. Only the little aiming "snap" on the wall right before the enemy got visible is still "suspicious" for me.

By the way: Is somehow im love with sunshine?



PostPosted: 05.18.10 

Joined: 05.18.10
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Hello guys.
Glad to know Im so good sometimes Im mistaken for wallhack ;)

I play on 24" 1920x1200 afair 100 fov.

Today I fixed mouse (after ubuntu release 10.04 + upgrade to ioq3 64bit optimized client, beacuse only it works with my system and its a bit faster - ... q3-engine/

This can account for extra awesomness today ;) Aiming is much better without stupid DGA mouse.

About predicting players, as others suspected, I'm just good like that, it's not so hard with knowing the map, some thing are hearing, others can be luck, and some are just intuition that comes with experience - you can also predict sometimes from other players behaviours, bullet marks, blood, corpses of teamates etc. Easier on ~40 players servers with wave respawns.

And btw, I never hacked in any way, imho thats just stupid, then the computer is good/cool not the player, and since noone pays me to play...

About ignoring some players that I probably heared/detected - well, it's a game, so I fell totally free to ;)


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