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PostPosted: 01.23.09 
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Joined: 07.24.08
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You could dynamically write a config and then tell rcon to load that config. Thus it would execute the code as if it was entered in console. I think that should be a work-around.

<XTJ7> !penis
<CuntBot> XTJ7, your penis is 23.3 cm long. 8=========D
<XTJ7> !8ball do i rock?
<CuntBot> XTJ7: OH YEAH !
<BEH> !8ball you lieing too?
<CuntBot> BEH: Totally not.
<BEH> -_-''


PostPosted: 01.23.09 

Joined: 12.29.08
Posts: 19
i didnt mean to disable smokescreens, and im well aware of the difficulties of disabling it but cant there be a RULE that you aint allowed to throw those damn things in UR OWN spawn, and anyone can call an admin or smth to slap, warn, or kick him? just to get the message through?


PostPosted: 01.23.09 
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I'm sure if you start complaining an admin will punish that guy in the way he sees fit.

"Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live."
- Martin Golding


PostPosted: 01.23.09 
xtj bist gar net so bloed :lol:
das is sogar sauschlau und duerft der einzige weg sein in der richtung?

das mit dem zurück ins menue wenn was bestimmtest ausgewählt ist, hab ich auch gesehen.
theoretisch für ne betimmte waffe wen kicken sollt mitm b3 leicht funzen. logfile wird geparst, wer wen mit mod_hk69 (oder wie die waffe im log genau heisst) killt, der wird gekillt. oder is da irgendwo n denkfehler?
was die smokenades angeht ginge das so halt nich...


PostPosted: 01.25.09 

Joined: 12.29.08
Posts: 19
okay, i really dont understand crap of that :oops: but, i dropped german at school 4 years ago or smth so could anyone pls translate that (A)


PostPosted: 01.25.09 
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SteveMcqueen wrote:
xtj bist gar net so bloed :lol:
das is sogar sauschlau und duerft der einzige weg sein in der richtung?

das mit dem zurück ins menue wenn was bestimmtest ausgewählt ist, hab ich auch gesehen.
theoretisch für ne betimmte waffe wen kicken sollt mitm b3 leicht funzen. logfile wird geparst, wer wen mit mod_hk69 (oder wie die waffe im log genau heisst) killt, der wird gekillt. oder is da irgendwo n denkfehler?
was die smokenades angeht ginge das so halt nich...

gugel translator wrote:
xtj're not that stupid net lol:
which is even sauschlau and should be the only one away in the direction?

with your back to the menue What determines if selected, I've even seen.
ne betimmte theoretical weapon for whom mitm b3 kick should easily funzen. logfile is parsed, who with whom mod_hk69 (or how the weapon in the log exactly means) kills, which will be killed. or is there somewhere s reasoning?
what are the smokenades would not halt the so ...

wursti wrote:
xtj, (u) are not so dumb :lol:
that is even fucking smart and should be the only way in ths direction?

i saw that with back to menue (if some special is chosen) too.
theorethical it should be easy worxering to kick someone for using a weapon. logfile is beeing parsed, it someone kills with mod_hk69 (or however that weapon is exactly called in the log), hes beeing killed. or is there somewhere a wrong thought?
what belongs to the smoke grenades: it wouldnt work like that



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