Deviant wrote:
Crusher wrote:
Really love the Megaman 2 soundtrack. Btw I beated this game in the 8bit NES for just one time. Don´t forget that you don´t have anything to save your progress.

Hmmm didn't Megaman 2 have password system :O ? I've beaten Megamans 2-5 on NES. Only got to the last fortress on Megaman 1 though (beated the first umm 6 bosses or robotmasters or whatever they were) and no1 had the Megaman 6 where I lived

. Megaman 3 is the first I ever played and therefor my favourite though x)
Really really really liked this FF when I played it @ my friends. I didn't like FFX/X-2 (especially the X-2 :E) so much...
Yes you are right about the password system... I forgot about that... lol
But I think I never used it, while playing in the NES. I played this game when I had 15 years old I think so I did not have any idea how to use that stuff... maybe it was an effect in replaying to much Mario Bros.

FFX is ok for me. Never tried FFX-2 but judging from reviews and opinions about this game, it seems to be a bad FF.

I also tried FF XII, but I think the history behind the game leave to much to be desire and the main characters were not so much charismatic like others FF that I have played. Also I did not like the battle system... I always prefer the old turn system.
I don´t have a PS3 at the moment... still too much expensive for me. When the console get cheaper it will be sure that I must try FF XIII or God of War III. Yesterday I played GoW III a little bit in a shopping centre and the game is just fantastic