Internet Cafés culture of 3rd world countries as it is. There is no compare to a Internet Café as many of us know it.
As I was a child in Russia (1999-2001) such cafés became popular... by youth, but not by all youth, mainly by cattle (some real_gangstas and that like) from families with financial problems or just less educated families who didn't care about what a computer is (and don't understand why should they buy one) - thats where the cattle comes from. Cattle comes to an Internet café with no culture, they all want have fun and all want play this motherfucker_cool_game_called_Cauntar_Straik (CS was first realistic multi-player FPS, that why all the popularity)... and they bring crime with them (take money from little children, who came to play too and so on). Thats why some fucker had a kitchen knife with him, I think...
In central Russia PC's became a common thing in this 10 years, there is broadband Internet now and stuff, most such cafés are no more profitable, they closed. In China they seem to come up.
Real fight by an I-net Café is known thing...