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 Post subject: networking problem
PostPosted: 03.17.10 
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I have a wireless router. I connected it to my cable modem to see if I could get wireless up and running as well.
The problem is, internet just doesn't seem to work.

modem will pass internet gateway to they wireless router just fine, as well as DNS etc.


see picture :)

funny thing is, the modem passes everthing to the router just fine, but I just can't access anything on the internet on my PC. I've seen a lot of things, but this is completely strange to me....

anyone got any bright ideas?

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 Post subject: Re: networking problem
PostPosted: 03.17.10 
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can u surf with the notebook over wireless?
can u open the router config from the pc?

its seenable that the pc got an IP from the router, so theres no chance that theres a wrong gateway set.
it might be that you dont have dns resolution, but u allready mentioned this.

did anything of that run before or do u have a new install there?



 Post subject: Re: networking problem
PostPosted: 03.17.10 
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well the image is from my router, so I can connect to it fine.
I can connect via wifi via my iPhone to my router fine. I can connect to it with my PC also (cable) fine.
both devices get a good IP.
DNS, gateway and IP adress on the modem are passed on to the router....

I just can't browse the internet, not on my phone, not on my pc. If I pull the plug from the router and stick it in the modem, all is fine again...really really odd

it's a new install; modem isn't mine. I connected to a different modem in the past and that worked fine.
I started reading online and it could have something to do with my provider only allowing access to one MAC address.
This was changed recently though and that restriction has been lifted.
To be sure, I still tried to forward the MAC address of my router to the modem, but this only made the connection to the router even worse and I couldnt even access it anymore...

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 Post subject: Re: networking problem
PostPosted: 03.18.10 
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hm, providers that just allow 1 mac are most likely from eastern europe.
u wouldnt get an IP via dhcp from ur provider (since dhcp sure rely on arp/ethernet in this case)

for the case that the router is not new:
maybe theres a packet filter set in the router.

for the rest i dont know.
with a hub/packet capture it should be possible to mirror network traffic on the interfaces and determine the problem closer.
but thats a bit mad action for a 30 euro device.

is there any services from the internet that u can use?
for example ping, dns, urt.
i dont understand what u mean with "passed on to the router"



 Post subject: Re: networking problem
PostPosted: 03.18.10 
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Unless I'm stupid, you could be having trouble with subnet mask because some IPs I see there begin with 192.168. (typically with subnet mast meaning anything with IP (*.*.2.* is your case, mine is 192.168.1.*) is "local" to your IPhone and PC) and some with 10. (typically with subnet mask of meaning anything with IP 10.*.*.* is "local" to your modem? router?).

I know I had similar problems with virtualbox's PCs that get IP from range 10.*.*.* while the physical ones connected to router have 192.168.1.* with subnet mask of Thus I can access physical computers form a virtual one because router sends 192.168.1.* to local network so (for example) can be accessed from a virtual one, but when I try to access virtual one (for example) from my physical computer, my router sends the signal to internet because is not considered as my local network (192.168.1.*).

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


 Post subject: Re: networking problem
PostPosted: 03.18.10 
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mmh...i would check is the modem working in bridge or router mode.

if you have more than 1 pc connected to the modem then its in router mode. if in router mode then check if the dhcp pools collide (i had a similar problem with a wireless router and i turned off the dhcp so i get the ip from the "main" modem).

if its just one pc and the modem is in bridge mode then you have to configure NAT on the wireless router...

Image <- got this from JRandomNoob


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