Manhut, when you go spec, first click/press fire to follow a "random" player, then use /follow so you get crosshair.
IMO, pretty obvious wallhack. He was shooting through wall at enemy near the beginning of the demo into that house that "belongs" to his own team, so he couldn't normally even suspect he'd be there.
I will now re-watch with compiz to workaround the missing crosshair with Annonate plugin (the one that lets you doodle on the screen
Edit: Now watched with hand-made crosshair, and he either sucks at aiming while having eyes of an eagle and reflexes of a mouse (referring to the animal, not the pointing device
), or he hides it well, but there's a few suspicious moments.
And judgeing from his name, he's used to be acused, which speaks for itself.
I'd say it's wallhack (or more likely tac-goggles-style player highlighting); 80% sure.