natirips wrote:
SvaRoX wrote:
Ah I haven't understood, I thought you spoke about AimMe. Ok you are 3 bro and 1 sister =)
Actually, there's more of us... But I only have two brothers: Yajurka* (Aimme*) and Bebus* (that other one).
*these are only aliases as used on the net, we don't have _such_ strange name.
Lol, you can say my real name, since i already said it in introduction topic, Jasnik. And that's unusual name

Btw: That PC was something natirips got before cca 8 years before, since he needed it for school. Well, when he got laptop (before cca 3-4 years) me and little bro played that computer. When i got my own PC (2 years ago, somewhere in 8th month of 2008) that PC (with ATI) stayed for others, and little bro is who uses it most.