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 Post subject: [dswp] tag!
PostPosted: 11.28.08 
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Joined: 07.20.08
Posts: 146
Location: [CH]
i talked 2 some players, like svarox, jackruby and more about the "clantags"

i would prefer 2 give them the tags and so all admins know, they are ok!!!!

but they care about the stats.. wurst can u handle this with xlr stats? actually they just take the name, but if they tage our clantags they will loose the stats, and that sucks

would be nice if u find a way...

edit: maybe is it possible to give ¨[dswp] tag users which are registered by b3 some special rights?
like dont kick while specting and swearing?

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 Post subject: Re: [dswp] tag!
PostPosted: 11.28.08 
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Joined: 09.28.08
Posts: 2318
Location: Solar System
I wanted to ask before but i think i can now:
Does all admins have to have [dswp] in front of their names? Or I can stay as I am?



 Post subject: Re: [dswp] tag!
PostPosted: 11.29.08 
the stats are not bound to a name, u can rename without a problem................. as long as u dont reinatalll


 Post subject: Re: [dswp] tag!
PostPosted: 11.29.08 
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Joined: 07.20.08
Posts: 146
Location: [CH]
wtf is reinatalll? :lol:

ok, i didnt know that... i dont care anyway, but other players did

and for u AimMe.. of course u can stay like u are.. the tags are just fun, not more

wer lesen kann ist nur im vorteil, wenn er die worte auch versteht

Kill'em all, let GOD sort them out!


 Post subject: Re: [dswp] tag!
PostPosted: 11.29.08 
REINSTALL damn ... :lol:
giving dswp. tagged ppl extra right is a nice idea, but could be exploited too eesy if bound strictly to the tag... pepps got to be registered individually IMO


 Post subject: Re: [dswp] tag!
PostPosted: 11.29.08 
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Joined: 11.29.08
Posts: 1972
Thanks GhostSoul for this topic :)

In fact, as SteveMcqueen says I don't have lost my stats after adding the dswp tag, it simply considered my name as a new alias.

I don't know how the aliase recognition is managed, but it's kind of strange : on my stats page,
xlrstats displays some aliases I have never used (those not containing "svarox"...), even after having registered properly. So the system doesn't seem to use IP adresses to know the real owner of the name (unless someone is using my wifi connection to play UrT...)
Does it mean that I could be ban if a cheator uses my name ?

"We are talking about computers here, compared to those I can read women like a book ;P"


 Post subject: Re: [dswp] tag!
PostPosted: 11.29.08 
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Joined: 09.28.08
Posts: 2318
Location: Solar System
SvaRoX wrote:
Thanks GhostSoul for this topic :)

In fact, as SteveMcqueen says I don't have lost my stats after adding the dswp tag, it simply considered my name as a new alias.

I don't know how the aliase recognition is managed, but it's kind of strange : on my stats page,
xlrstats displays some aliases I have never used (those not containing "svarox"...), even after having registered properly. So the system doesn't seem to use IP adresses to know the real owner of the name (unless someone is using my wifi connection to play UrT...)
Does it mean that I could be ban if a cheator uses my name ?

No, that unknow names are just error on b3 and XLR stats. I had some of them, players i saw playing in same time as me, were in my aliases....
Don't bother with them much.



 Post subject: Re: [dswp] tag!
PostPosted: 11.30.08 
nothing to do with name, you cant get banned for someone hacking and faking with your nick.
nothing to do with ip (except when u get ip range banned), its something else... maybe u get the idea, maybe not.

but if u do, do not tell. i really beg u for that for reason i cant explain here.
i am not kidding.

and dont care for other aliases, changes nothing, not even ur stats, at least i havent noticed anything for mine.


 Post subject: Re: [dswp] tag!
PostPosted: 11.30.08 
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Joined: 11.29.08
Posts: 1972
Ok, thx for your answers.

"We are talking about computers here, compared to those I can read women like a book ;P"


 Post subject: Re: [dswp] tag!
PostPosted: 12.21.08 
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Joined: 07.20.08
Posts: 146
Location: [CH]
well, my idea with unclefragger today was - we have to make a new group in b3!

!register kicks u in group user

we should make a group for powerusers, for the peoples with [dswp] tags! peoples they we know, and we must give the rights manually..

the special rights should be

- not banned in spectmode
- not banned for swearing (but thats no right to swear guys!!!)
- not kicked for teamdamage
- (im not sure in that but i would give !veto right and playerkick if some1 cheats)

if a poweruser take his right to make bullshit on the server we take back the rights

just an idea... but i hope a good one

wer lesen kann ist nur im vorteil, wenn er die worte auch versteht

Kill'em all, let GOD sort them out!


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