well we really thought at some moment to get and visit u Jane,but was too late and we had to drive to Würzburg, so next time for sure.....
everywhere is someone and thats really nice but is just impossible to meet everyone at once, so no fence we r looking forward to meet all.
the best would be making some big dswp party at one place with enough space, drinks, air and music. i know its damn hard to organise such, but in fact if we all really want it can come to real.
btw not to want to insult anyone but SvaR0x we mentioned the most. U must have had the hiccups all the time u, man-with-no-face

. We planed how and where to steal foto from u

thanx humppa and his mates for welcome atmosphere and greets for Stefi, Karl and man on B

Im happy to see Fry able to type again.
Jes we all got some kind of virus at the end and throw up shit and such...too pitty i have no foto from the car where all 4 of us (BKY,Fry,Ana,UCL) were ready to bring it out while Wursti was driving bravly.
Well since we all had our plastic bags ready no one could hold camera.
At the end nothing bad happend since Jezus helped me not to be the responsible one

Ah its just great coming home after such meeting and realising ppl from Internet didnt disapoint me, although ofc they r not 100% identical to thAT WHAT u can see in Online Life. Except the voices. God bless the mumble!!!