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PostPosted: 12.07.09 
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Just moved house from amsterdam back to a place in the country in the UK

hence i have lost my nice 20mb connection and now have a crappy average 3mb one with loads of service drop.

fps gaming is going to be a painful experience from now on - i see SvaRox has passed me already - nice one m8 : skills improving ;)

so i will be playing as 'Useless' from now on :-(

not sure that playing on a 6 yr old pc though a keyboard on my lap while sat in a rocking chair helps either; i really have to buy a desk to set up my games machine on.

greetz to all

Norma Snockers

Life is like a sewer: what you get out of it depends on what you put in to it.


PostPosted: 12.08.09 
sounds a bit like stone age... i am sorry for you, i really know what it is like to have to play under crappy circumstances.


PostPosted: 12.08.09 
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'nother fellow sufferer.


PostPosted: 12.08.09 
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NormaSnockers wrote:
hence i have lost my nice 20mb connection and now have a crappy average 3mb one with loads of service drop.

Awww it sucks :/ What kind of lagometer you have now, black/red bars or high ping ? Don't you have any way to improve that, like fastpath option or QoS settings ?
NormaSnockers wrote:
i see SvaRox has passed me already - nice one m8 : skills improving ;)

Ahah thx, you passed me when I was away so now I'm back ;)

"We are talking about computers here, compared to those I can read women like a book ;P"


PostPosted: 12.08.09 
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mainly red bars, some black ones.

i think some of the lag is coming from using a wireless mouse and keyboard - i stopped using them for gaming years ago - but they are handy when the house is still full of boxes from moving.

hopefully my new desk will arrive this week so i can set up my main pc which may help a little bit - then i start to try and tune stuff.

i have found that the router firewall causes quite a bit of grief - but this one is new with the connection so i havent messed with it yet.

Life is like a sewer: what you get out of it depends on what you put in to it.


PostPosted: 12.08.09 
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Yes I know what is the feeling when playing with a crappy connection. Btw I began playing here with a 3G GPRS connection (I was getting 200ms of latency, lol), but since March that i´m playing with a 4Mbit DSL connection.


PostPosted: 12.08.09 
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Hey you got more megs than me, and it is possible to play well in Britain, hell even with 512 ram, seek out medics, make friends with them.


PostPosted: 12.08.09 
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It's not so hard to play on crappy hardware unless you got used to better.... Once you get used to play with good hardware, you can't play on bad ones anymore. I guess you're second one. Hope you get better things soon.



PostPosted: 12.08.09 
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AimMe wrote:
It's not so hard to play on crappy hardware unless you got used to better.... Once you get used to play with good hardware, you can't play on bad ones anymore.

It depends on what you call crappy hardware: if it's a PC which gives you 20 FPS sometimes, it's totally unplayable. And especially, if you were used to constant 125 FPS on Q3 and have this framerate divided by 4-5 on a Q3 mod like UrT, it's quite frustrating...

"We are talking about computers here, compared to those I can read women like a book ;P"


PostPosted: 12.08.09 
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I wanted to say it's easier to get used to good hardware than to bad one.
For example i could play UrT normally with normal keyboard anywhere, but since i got G11 i can't play on normal keyboard anymore. All those sounds when i press too many buttons... And being unable to jump while sprinting...



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