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PostPosted: 12.04.09 

Joined: 12.04.09
Posts: 2
Hi everyone,

We have started a new blog at!

We want to bring the fun back into FREE gaming, and we love UrT and want to bring it back to the FUN it was INTENDED TO BE!

Check out the blog at

if you have any tips for us, e-mail

We look forward to playing with you (and keeping you in line :-p)


p.s. thanks to the admins tonight for being awesome.

p.p.s. go on NorCal 3rd Party Maps and get yourself banned for tking, it's fun!


PostPosted: 12.04.09 
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Joined: 11.29.08
Posts: 1972
Hi again,
good luck for your blog. We (admins, moderators and more) want to favor fun over pro gaming, so it's nice to promote this way of playing.
Just remember that TK are not allowed here, even if it's for good (B3 bot would kick you quickly =) : we prefer more admins to take care of bad people rather than self-justice ;).

P. S. to admins before slapping him for advertising :) :
I advised him to post about his website on the forum because they talked about us on their 1 day old blog ( ... st-server/).

P. S. 2 on :
UrT Fun is for the people who believe many of the people (and let’s face it, ALL of the Admins (ok, except maybe the Wurst guys, they’re pretty cool to be honest)) take things way too seriously when it comes to playing the fun and free game, Urban Terror.

Cool, hope it will stay :D

"We are talking about computers here, compared to those I can read women like a book ;P"


PostPosted: 12.04.09 
he's a liar, not a single one of us has that lay-back-but-still-give-a-shit attitude described as 'cool'.

we are just a bunch of selfish, butt-fucked, idiotic, egocentric, masochistic jerks that can only live up to what we want to be in real life through being sadistic in this little virtual world revolving around the worst urt server ever...
note the implicated superlative: absolutely uber-wurst-worst by far.

so, this one went out to all the retards always starting arguements... everytime riots start from the same corner, again and again. see you in hell, motherfuckers.

and to all the rest of people actually being decent at times: THANKS FOR PLAYING!


PostPosted: 12.04.09 
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N1 Steve! :D

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


PostPosted: 12.04.09 
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Das kam von Herzen :D



PostPosted: 12.04.09 
Ingame Mod
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I first thought about writing something to this so called 'blog' but stv said it all.

Well i wrote that on some other thread before, this will be entertaining for while...



it's friday, feed the trolls.


PostPosted: 12.04.09 
Ingame Mod
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Joined: 09.11.09
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As far as my knowlege goes, this blog will quickly turn into a blog about a player getting baned on all of the Urt servers (exept wurst of course 'cuz we are awesome)

Also, if steve is right, I must be the only one slapping people in real life :D

The purpose of life is to fight maturity.


PostPosted: 12.04.09 
Ingame Mod
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Posts: 683
UrTFun wrote:
p.p.s. go on NorCal 3rd Party Maps and get yourself banned for tking, it's fun!

Also I don't think its a good idea to harass a server on an other server :(

The purpose of life is to fight maturity.


PostPosted: 12.04.09 
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Smoke can really piss some people off. There’s even a few servers that ban you for using smoke grenades. Obviously we think that’s utterly LUDICROUS but you know how we feel about 90% of the admins out there.

There’s a debate going on over on the official UrT forums about smoking and, would you believe it, there’s a bunch of ‘pros’ bellyaching about ‘n00bs’ ‘misusing’ smoke.

Here’s the link:

We say, throw them wherever the hell you want. It’s a free game for all and it’s all about having just so do what you want with them.

Just don’t forget to have FUN!

Here i wouldn't agree a bit, this pissed me off. So nothing about that. I'd say its noob community, whining about admins' decisions.



PostPosted: 12.05.09 
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SteveMcqueen wrote:
he's a liar, not a single one of us has that lay-back-but-still-give-a-shit attitude described as 'cool'.

we are just a bunch of selfish, butt-fucked, idiotic, egocentric, masochistic jerks that can only live up to what we want to be in real life through being sadistic in this little virtual world revolving around the worst urt server ever...
note the implicated superlative: absolutely uber-wurst-worst by far.

so, this one went out to all the retards always starting arguements... everytime riots start from the same corner, again and again. see you in hell, motherfuckers.

and to all the rest of people actually being decent at times: THANKS FOR PLAYING!

natirips wrote:
N1 Steve! :D

HumppaLakki wrote:
Das kam von Herzen :D


UrTFun wrote:
Turns out that the admins over at Wurst totally get it. They agree with the ethos of the FREE GAME that is ALL ABOUT FUN. If someone ruins your fun, let them have it.

i still didnt get that with TK, i feel we must talk about that.
I like your "blog-idea", keep it up.

Not everyone has to love our (dswp) rules, but dont forget it when u play in our home u must respect them.

I dont see how he got to piss u off so badly, just missed the point.
SvaR0x will agree im sometimes nerd.

Life is about the people you meet.


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