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PostPosted: 11.28.09 
Ingame Mod
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Joined: 03.16.09
Posts: 229
Humppa is the terminator of admins, you will be banned, oh yes, you will be banned.


PostPosted: 11.29.09 
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BoomHeadshot wrote:
Hateyouall admins mutes, warns and kicks everyone around, just for casual silly talk like "lol I owned you" and similar.

Ok let's see what you call "casual silly talk" (non exhaustive list) :
BOOOM!!!Headshot:D damn you CCK you are more noob then my grandma. Ans she uses windows
1253655851 Jez noob idiot
1254267719 pure_skill hi noobs
1254271715 pure_skill hi noobs
1255175529 cra it would seem some noob admin banned my nick name?...
1255303263 crazy_motherfucker! lafa take your boyfriend and go fsck yourselves russian noobs
1255384510 aimboter? faxcon(windows7) your nick is noob
1256343850 BOOOM!!!headshot-lol my team is full of noobs
1256602850 BOOM!!!!-headshot wtf noobs
1257006598 BOOM!!!!-headshot hi noobs prepare to be owned
1258929948 BOOOM!!!Headshot:D fedora you franch faggggot
1258931041 BOOOM!!!Headshot:D mielonka you jump like a fagggot
1259021793 BOOOM!!!Headshot:D HA HA HA - you got negv'd
1259021795 BOOOM!!!Headshot:D HA HA HA - you got negv'd
1259021827 BOOOM!!!Headshot:D HA HA HA - you got negv'd
1259021906 BOOOM!!!Headshot:D HA HA HA - you got negv'd
1259022182 BOOOM!!!Headshot:D owned@miggos you faggot
1259101288 BOOOM!!!Headshot:D move in, f(r)aggots
1259101532 BOOOM!!!Headshot:D ROSSIA = noobs, bandits and corruption
1259101938 BOOOM!!!Headshot:D Rasta you noob this map is more noob then windows 7
1259365047 BOOOM!!!Headshot:D mute ur mom

I'm sorry but I don't call that "casual silly talk". First it's not casual since you are spamming a lot, second you are insulting people. Seems you are angry against various things (beginners, french and russian people, admins, windows 7...) and you are feeling far more superior to everyone since you keep saying "noob" every time you play here. I'm afraid you shouldn't call other people "noobs", since you have obviously quite poor stats (tdm-player105397), but even skilled people don't insult beginners on this server.
So instead of criticizing other people on their behavior, better blame yourself first...

119379 aimboter? Wurst woold be excelent server. if not that autokick b.s.

Ah Wurst is already an excellent server, we just dream of a game where people would forgive others like civilized people usually do in real life ;)

"We are talking about computers here, compared to those I can read women like a book ;P"


PostPosted: 11.29.09 
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SvaRoX wrote:
119379 aimboter? Wurst woold be excelent server. if not that autokick b.s.

Ah Wurst is already an excellent server, we just dream of a game where people would forgive others like civilized people usually do in real life ;)

I think he thought wurst would be excellent server for aimboters. Yea, sure, with admin/mod cover of 20h/day, surely.

And if you posted some demo of aimboter, we would ban him.



PostPosted: 11.29.09 
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Posts: 1972
AimMe wrote:
I think he thought wurst would be excellent server for aimboters. Yea, sure, with admin/mod cover of 20h/day, surely.

And if you posted some demo of aimboter, we would ban him.

Oops sorry for raw copy-paste, actually the format is <timestamp> <nickname> <message>, so "aimboter?" was his nickname at the moment, his message beginning at "Wurst" ;)

"We are talking about computers here, compared to those I can read women like a book ;P"


PostPosted: 11.29.09 
Ingame Mod

Joined: 11.02.09
Posts: 168
HAHAHAHA boomheadshot, hups sry :P


PostPosted: 11.29.09 
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SvaRoX wrote:
Oops sorry for raw copy-paste, actually the format is <timestamp> <nickname> <message>, so "aimboter?" was his nickname at the moment, his message beginning at "Wurst" ;)

Oh, i understand.



PostPosted: 11.30.09 
Ingame Mod
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Joined: 03.16.09
Posts: 229
Is it wrong that I found his banter funny?


PostPosted: 11.30.09 
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ChineseDemocracy wrote:
Is it wrong that I found his banter funny?
It is difficult to find a good answer to that. At least at 7:30am.

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


 Post subject: Admin abuse?
PostPosted: 12.03.09 

Joined: 10.27.09
Posts: 13
"Fuck" is a bad word - saying it gives warnings, then kicks.

Is it ok to use it in nick?
Because if one then says nick of such player then he gets warnings.

Admin used fuck in nick.
If you say his nick - you get warning.
If you ask about this - you are muted and insulted by admin.
And then kicked.

Nice double standards guys! ;)

cat ~/log2 | egrep "LOL|FUCK|fuck_rea|warnings|my ass" | sed -e "s/^[0-9]//g"

(here around 5 people got kicks for camp)

NEGEV-MASTER-LOL: server was kicked by Fuck_reality: stop camp or you will be kicked
console_tell: (b3): [pm] WARNING (2): NEGEV-MASTER-LOL, No swearnig plz!!!
NEGEV-MASTER-LOL played 'catch the shiny bullet' with /ThE_JoKeR/'s LR-300 rounds.
NEGEV-MASTER-LOL: f-ck_reality how about a nick that does not Warn me when I say it
console: (b3): Fuck_Reality: what about licking my ass!
Player NEGEV-MASTER-LOL was muted by the admin
NEGEV-MASTER-LOL played 'catch the shiny bullet' with joboyjo's LR-300 rounds.
jkenneke got shredded to pieces by FUCK_IS_A_BAD_WORD:D's Negev
sorry_im_stoned got shredded to pieces by FUCK_IS_A_BAD_WORD:D's Negev
MCsebak got shredded to pieces by FUCK_IS_A_BAD_WORD:D's Negev
console: (b3): ALERT: Ickarus auto-kick from warnings if not cleared (4) Do not attack
FUCK_IS_A_BAD_WORD:D got a whole lot of hole from wumzi's DE round.
Flagg[PL] got shredded to pieces by FUCK_IS_A_BAD_WORD:D's Negev
FUCK_IS_A_BAD_WORD:D was on the wrong end of valaub's G36.
FUCK_IS_A_BAD_WORD:D (Main Square Alley): MEDIC! help me
FUCK_IS_A_BAD_WORD:D played 'catch the shiny bullet' with valaub's LR-300 rounds.
FUCK_IS_A_BAD_WORD:D got a lead enema from LeafThief's retro M4.
FUCK_IS_A_BAD_WORD:D has become a nasty stain thanks to utilizzatore_finale's HE gren.
Bloodangel got nailed to the wall by FUCK_IS_A_BAD_WORD:D's Negev
sorry_im_stoned got shredded to pieces by FUCK_IS_A_BAD_WORD:D's Negev
FUCK_IS_A_BAD_WORD:D managed to slow down ich!'s SR-8 round just a little.
FUCK_IS_A_BAD_WORD:D was kicked


PostPosted: 12.03.09 
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nick: Make.Them.Fluffy
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kills: 2105
deaths: 2476
ratio: 0.85
okay. Just one thing. You are going on my nerves. All you do is coming on the server and messing around with the admins. I dont discuss about my nickname, and if you think you can mess around with me, you are wrong.

Im just really pissed cause of you and thats the only reason why i was saying "what about licking my ass"

If you ask me, you need a break on the server. Dont want to play with gamers like you!



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