HumppaLakki wrote:
okay, Headshoot, you missed just one little thing!
First. I muted you cause of silly things like "booom Headshot sponsored by...." bla bla. This is anoying and going on my nerves. So i muted you.
Well sorry then - I thought it was funny, because it is a game

HumppaLakki wrote:
After you used "oh you idiot" command for asking me to unmute you i kicked you. Be happy i havent seen that as insulting and only kicked you.
Ok. So I normally waited until ban expired.
HumppaLakki wrote:
Second thing. Nearly 2 minutes you and another player did some radiospam. All i did was warn both of you to stop that with a simple !warn (player) spam. Cause of other warnings you get tempbanned by B3
I did not say anything after first warning. Just 1 warning gives kick? O_o
cat log1.txt | grep -i boo
BOOOM!!!Headshot:D entered the game
^1BOOOM!!!Headshot:D^7 (^1generator building^7): ^3Negative
^1BOOOM!!!Headshot:D^7 (^1generator building^7): ^3Negative
^1BOOOM!!!Headshot:D^7 (^1generator building^7): ^3Negative
J got nailed to the wall by BOOOM!!!Headshot:D's Negev
Shishi got a whole lot of hole from BOOOM!!!Headshot:D's DE round.
BOOOM!!!Headshot:D managed to slow down crusher's SR-8 round just a little.
^1BOOOM!!!Headshot:D^7 (^1Alley Way^7): ^3Lol!!!
^1BOOOM!!!Headshot:D^7 (^1transfer corridors^7): ^3Lol!!!
^1BOOOM!!!Headshot:D^7 (^1generator building entrance^7): ^3High
console_tell: ^0(^2b3^0)^7: ^3[pm]^7 ^1WARNING^7 (^34^7): BOOOM!!!Headshot:D^7^7, ^7do not spam, shut-up!
console: ^0(^2b3^0)^7: ^7^1ALERT^7: BOOOM!!!Headshot:D^7^7 auto-kick from warnings if not cleared (^34^7) ^7do
BOOOM!!!Headshot:D was kicked
HumppaLakki wrote:
Ps. Over active? Wtf? How often do you play? How often do you have to handle a 45 Slot big TDM Server in moments you just want to play a little?
Thanks, this is quite nice server

But it is I think first time in long (ever?) here (and I play for months here) I was kicked 2 times in one day (except for accidental team damage auto kicks).
Perhaps just 1 warning should not so easily result in kick.
>> you see me as "hateyouall" banning people for camping a few days ago? No, you dont cause i us that nick since yesterday night. Its a simple lie!
Ban list seems to go just 1 day back, and I see 2 or 3 bans in 1 day, so I guess it was at least 5 during *like* few days. Did I guessed correctly you banned at least 5 people for camp in last say 5 days?
In any event, if you say you did warned before etc, then I guess its fine by me. Then the message should not be Warninings over limit or something? in banlist here