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PostPosted: 11.28.09 

Joined: 10.27.09
Posts: 13
Wow at least the nick seems correct.

Hateyouall admins mutes, warns and kicks everyone around, just for casual silly talk like "lol I owned you" and similar.

Also I seen he did like 5 bans in last few days for... camping?
Really tons of players sudenly started to camp massivly? Or perhaps you could go there a bit easy with the new admin powers? ;)

It was like
- move in!
- (me) negative!
- move in!
- (me) negative!
- move in!
- (I STFU'ed)
then I continue to play, and half minute later kicks/warns where given to 2 or 3 people for that...

5 minuts before I got kicked for saying 3 times after headshot "you got owned" or something

And bettween this events, hateyouall managed to ban someone for "aimbot" - at least I hope that ban was justified (I did not speced so no idea)

btw. at least for the first time, people are being kicked manually more then by auto-kick for TD ;)


PostPosted: 11.28.09 
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okay, Headshoot, you missed just one little thing!

First. I muted you cause of silly things like "booom Headshot sponsored by...." bla bla. This is anoying and going on my nerves. So i muted you. After that you spammed me with radio commands to unmute you. After you used "oh you idiot" command for asking me to unmute you i kicked you. Be happy i havent seen that as insulting and only kicked you.

Second thing. Nearly 2 minutes you and another player did some radiospam. All i did was warn both of you to stop that with a simple !warn (player) spam. Cause of other warnings you get tempbanned by B3

Now the Camper fact. As long as we havent an anti camp bot for B3 we decide who is camping an who is not. I warn camper befor i kick them, i wrote bigtexts i slap them, i told them over and over again "do not fucking camp or you get kicked". If they wont listen they get kicked. If they camp over and over again, every fucking day, they get his break for 1 day.

Ps. Over active? Wtf? How often do you play? How often do you have to handle a 45 Slot big TDM Server in moments you just want to play a little?



PostPosted: 11.28.09 
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Forgot two thinks.

BoomHeadshot wrote:
Also I seen he did like 5 bans in last few days for... camping?
Really tons of players sudenly started to camp massivly? Or perhaps you could go there a bit easy with the new admin powers? ;)

you see me as "hateyouall" banning people for camping a few days ago? No, you dont cause i us that nick since yesterday night. Its a simple lie!

BoomHeadshot wrote:
And bettween this events, hateyouall managed to ban someone for "aimbot" - at least I hope that ban was justified (I did not speced so no idea)

You hope that ban was justified? Ask crusher, he spected him too and he is mod on the server if you dont trust me.

I do that a longer time than you play on wurst. Want the demo of this fucking cheater? Next time i let you play with this fucker, just to get sure that you dont think i abuse my Admin Power



Last edited by HumppaLakki on 11.28.09, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: 11.28.09 

Joined: 10.27.09
Posts: 13
HumppaLakki wrote:
okay, Headshoot, you missed just one little thing!
First. I muted you cause of silly things like "booom Headshot sponsored by...." bla bla. This is anoying and going on my nerves. So i muted you.

Well sorry then - I thought it was funny, because it is a game ;)

HumppaLakki wrote:
After you used "oh you idiot" command for asking me to unmute you i kicked you. Be happy i havent seen that as insulting and only kicked you.

Ok. So I normally waited until ban expired.

HumppaLakki wrote:
Second thing. Nearly 2 minutes you and another player did some radiospam. All i did was warn both of you to stop that with a simple !warn (player) spam. Cause of other warnings you get tempbanned by B3

I did not say anything after first warning. Just 1 warning gives kick? O_o

cat log1.txt | grep -i boo
BOOOM!!!Headshot:D entered the game
^1BOOOM!!!Headshot:D^7 (^1generator building^7): ^3Negative
^1BOOOM!!!Headshot:D^7 (^1generator building^7): ^3Negative
^1BOOOM!!!Headshot:D^7 (^1generator building^7): ^3Negative
J got nailed to the wall by BOOOM!!!Headshot:D's Negev
Shishi got a whole lot of hole from BOOOM!!!Headshot:D's DE round.
BOOOM!!!Headshot:D managed to slow down crusher's SR-8 round just a little.
^1BOOOM!!!Headshot:D^7 (^1Alley Way^7): ^3Lol!!!
^1BOOOM!!!Headshot:D^7 (^1transfer corridors^7): ^3Lol!!!
^1BOOOM!!!Headshot:D^7 (^1generator building entrance^7): ^3High
console_tell: ^0(^2b3^0)^7: ^3[pm]^7 ^1WARNING^7 (^34^7): BOOOM!!!Headshot:D^7^7, ^7do not spam, shut-up!
console: ^0(^2b3^0)^7: ^7^1ALERT^7: BOOOM!!!Headshot:D^7^7 auto-kick from warnings if not cleared (^34^7) ^7do
BOOOM!!!Headshot:D was kicked

HumppaLakki wrote:
Ps. Over active? Wtf? How often do you play? How often do you have to handle a 45 Slot big TDM Server in moments you just want to play a little?

Thanks, this is quite nice server :) But it is I think first time in long (ever?) here (and I play for months here) I was kicked 2 times in one day (except for accidental team damage auto kicks).

Perhaps just 1 warning should not so easily result in kick.

>> you see me as "hateyouall" banning people for camping a few days ago? No, you dont cause i us that nick since yesterday night. Its a simple lie!

Ban list seems to go just 1 day back, and I see 2 or 3 bans in 1 day, so I guess it was at least 5 during *like* few days. Did I guessed correctly you banned at least 5 people for camp in last say 5 days?

In any event, if you say you did warned before etc, then I guess its fine by me. Then the message should not be Warninings over limit or something? in banlist here


PostPosted: 11.28.09 
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BoomHeadshot wrote:

I did not say anything after first warning. Just 1 warning gives kick? O_o

No! 4 Warnings give you the kick. Old Warnings a still active when you leave the server. Admin warnings a active for nearly a day and B3 Warnings depends on the warnig itself. Dont know the exact times.



PostPosted: 11.28.09 
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I've seen hummpa kicking and slapping a lot, but never without reason. Imagine how would your game look if you wanted to play, but because server is unplayable, you can't just write "it's unplayable" but you have to go spec, and warn/kick/ban people making it unplayable. You don't know how many times any admin really wanted to play, but had to go to ban some cheater. I once lost my knife record because of aimbot like that.

And btw: Read your warning! It will help you a lot. And have in mind, that one swearing warning lasts a day, and so does admin warnings. Lets say you had one warning for swearing from before, you had 2 teamkill warnings and you got humppa's warning, you get kicked.

And for me, it's joy to play while humppa does his job, since i know i can play without slapping campers and kicking spamers. Yeah, i make instant kick for any kind of spam.



PostPosted: 11.28.09 
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Look, even I (as a simple mod) sometimes kick/ban over 10 people through warnings about camping on a single map. AFAIK, camping is simply against rules on this server.

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


PostPosted: 11.28.09 
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btw nice that u choose the way to ask people here in forums.
heres more place for explanations and well chosen words then in console chat.

in fact its a bit full and crowded to allow everyone teh pwn flame.
plus its what pro (psychologists) call contra social behavior (aka lame).




PostPosted: 11.28.09 
Ingame Mod

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all i can say is that hateyouall aka humppalakki is warning a lot of times all the camping, radio flowing and other lowbob dudes. often they didnt realized the warnings, cause they skilled their wrong bahaviours and had no time 2 read the warnings.
read a bit more the importent chat, and u learn a lot of things.
y you should read the important things ?
at least the admins are player to, and i think they dont want penalty every wrong practicicing dude, cause that takes a lot of time, but before the server gets more dirty and lamer:



PostPosted: 11.28.09 
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AimMe wrote:
And for me, it's joy to play while humppa does his job, since i know i can play without slapping campers and kicking spamers. Yeah, i make instant kick for any kind of spam.

Thanx for the support :)



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