kannst du damit was anfangen? weis ned was ich wo reinschreiben soll.....mein english is auch ned das beste ^^
<configuration plugin="countryfilter">
<settings name="commands">
<set name="cfcountry-country">40</set>
<settings name="settings">
'code': 2 character code ie: NL
'code3': 3 character code ie: NLD
'name': full name ie: Netherlands
<set name="cf_country_print_mode">name</set>
Specify Countries that will not generate messages.
LAN (private ranges) = - - (but without the whitespace!)
ALL Countries = all
or use the Countrycode with 2 characters
<set name="cf_message_exclude_from">none</set>
You can limit the connection by using cf_allow_from,
cf_deny_from, and cf_order. Please specify this by the country
code of two characters. Basically, it is the same as the
mod_access module of Apache. See this URL:
http://httpd.apache.org/docs/mod/mod_access.html Examples:
Allowing only NL and US. Others are denied:
<set name="cf_order">deny,allow</set>
<set name="cf_deny_from">all</set>
<set name="cf_allow_from">NL US</set>
Denying only US. Others are allowed:
<set name="cf_order">allow,deny</set>
<set name="cf_allow_from">all</set>
<set name="cf_deny_from">US</set>
If you want to find country codes, refer to this page.
http://www.maxmind.com/app/iso3166 -->
<set name="cf_order">allow,deny</set>
<set name="cf_allow_from">all</set>
<set name="cf_deny_from">none</set>
Specify the path of GeoIP.dat file.
<set name="cf_geoipdat_path">b3/extplugins/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat</set>
<settings name="messages">
Message when player is allowed to connect.
$name is replaced with player name.
$country is replaced with country name.
An empty message will make allowed connections silent
<set name="cf_allow_message">^7$name ^2(Country: $country)^7 connected.</set>
Message when player is denied.
%(name)s is replaced with player name.
%(country)s is replaced with country name.
An empty message will make allowed connections silent
<set name="cf_deny_message">^7$name ^1(Country: $country)^7 was rejected by B3.</set>
<settings name="ignore">
Add a list of names of players that will be able to allways connect.
Seperate names with a ,
<set name="names"></set>
Add a list of IP's of players that will be able to allways connect.
Seperate ip's with a ,
<set name="ips"></set>