usual doors: -make the door brush
-1x1 brush as turning point, use origin texture from "common textures" on all sides
-select both and use func_rotating_door
-add areaportal (see below)
opening angle: ... 441.0.htmlmoving doors/schiebetüren:,14960.0.htmlglass moving doors:,5995.0.htmltrap doors:,10629.0.html
i.e. got to set the axis to 0 and the angle to -1 (or similar, dunno iirc)
models as doors:,10283.0.htmlor better:,9686.0.htmlopen doors with switches: ... 434.0.htmleither use a trigger_multiple (for a light barrier-like feel) or a func_button (like a switch) entity for the activation device.
some more door things:,17433.0.htmlareaportal: place a brush completely inside the door, use skip texture on all sides, except for one, which needs an areaportal texture on it