AimMe wrote:
XLRID is one from stats, so for example mine stats are:
tdm-player32686so my id is 32686.
* I can let the script search in the stats index, hope that
it's sorted chronologically and let it display the 10 latest
entries with the "Last online on ..." information for the
user to choose.
* I can do the same with Ech*.
Both ways I don't really like, as they are ambiguous.
Isn't the XLRID/PlayerID somehow accessible via the GUID?
AimMe wrote:
B3ID is one you get form b3 command "!id <name>".
What is shown in the "Code" box is the complete output
of the !id command, just formatted differently. !help id didn't
show any other use to get an additional "B3ID".
The GUID is the last part of the !id line.