I tried cross_urth the other day. I planned on testing it on a local server with AimMe to see something (it seems to me that people are teleporting in front of me so I wanted to reconfigure my config so I would see at least what I am supposed to see).
Buffer = /razno/igre/UrbanTerror/ioUrbanTerror.x86_64
Loading sub main
Cross platform Urban Terror Cheat by " All"
mailto: {email censored by Natirips to disallow dishonest cheaters from finding the cheat themselves} [at] bluebottle.com (replace [at] with @)
Executable Path: /razno/igre/UrbanTerror/ioUrbanTerror.x86_64
Pagesize = 4096
Pagemask = 0xFFFFF000
Size of address = 8
Symbol "Cbuf_ExecuteText" is at 0x438e52 in a file compiled without debugging.
Symbol "Cvar_Register" is at 0x43ff1a in a file compiled without debugging.
Symbol "Cvar_Set" is at 0x4405ba in a file compiled without debugging.
Symbol "Cvar_Update" is at 0x43f65c in a file compiled without debugging.
Symbol "CL_CgameSystemCalls" is at 0x40493a in a file compiled without debugging.
Symbol "Com_Printf" is at 0x43b38c in a file compiled without debugging.
Symbol "CM_BoxTrace" is at 0x437eae in a file compiled without debugging.
Symbol "CM_TransformedBoxTrace" is at 0x437784 in a file compiled without debugging.
Symbol "CM_TempBoxModel" is at 0x424b8a in a file compiled without debugging.
Symbol "CM_InlineModel" is at 0x42511a in a file compiled without debugging.
Symbol "RE_RegisterShader" is at 0x539500 in a file compiled without debugging.
Symbol "Com_Error" is at 0x43cc94 in a file compiled without debugging.
Symbol "AngleDelta" is at 0x4757ec in a file compiled without debugging.
Symbol "RE_RenderScene" is at 0x52d62c in a file compiled without debugging.
Dump of assembler code for function RE_RenderScene:
0x000000000052d62c <RE_RenderScene+0>: push %r12
0x000000000052d62e <RE_RenderScene+2>: push %rbp
0x000000000052d62f <RE_RenderScene+3>: mov %rdi,%rbp
0x000000000052d632 <RE_RenderScene+6>: push %rbx
Symbol "Com_MD5File" is at 0x44b210 in a file compiled without debugging.
Dump of assembler code for function Com_MD5File:
0x000000000044b210 <Com_MD5File+0>: push %r15
0x000000000044b212 <Com_MD5File+2>: push %r14
0x000000000044b214 <Com_MD5File+4>: push %r13
0x000000000044b216 <Com_MD5File+6>: mov %esi,%r13d
Symbol "VM_Create" is at 0x4832ae in a file compiled without debugging.
Dump of assembler code for function VM_Create:
0x00000000004832ae <VM_Create+0>: mov %r12,-0x20(%rsp)
0x00000000004832b3 <VM_Create+5>: mov %r13,-0x18(%rsp)
Symbol "VM_CallCompiled" is at 0x54493a in a file compiled without debugging.
Dump of assembler code for function VM_CallCompiled:
0x000000000054493a <VM_CallCompiled+0>: mov %rbx,-0x30(%rsp)
0x000000000054493f <VM_CallCompiled+5>: mov %rbp,-0x28(%rsp)
Symbol "VM_Free" is at 0x482a60 in a file compiled without debugging.
Dump of assembler code for function VM_Free:
0x0000000000482a60 <VM_Free+0>: push %rbx
0x0000000000482a61 <VM_Free+1>: mov 0x60(%rdi),%rax
0x0000000000482a65 <VM_Free+5>: mov %rdi,%rbx
Symbol "cl" is at 0xe9b040 in a file compiled without debugging.
Symbol "cls" is at 0xdc77e0 in a file compiled without debugging.
Symbol "vmTable" is at 0x107e880 in a file compiled without debugging.
Symbol "R_GetModelByHandle" is at 0x52b8c0 in a file compiled without debugging.
All offsets and detourlengths retrieved. Cheat ready!
ioQ3 1.35urt linux-x86_64 Dec 21 2007
----- FS_Startup -----
Going through search path...
15382 files in pk3 files
execing default.cfg
execing q3config.cfg
execing autoexec.cfg
Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok
----- Client Initialization -----
----- Initializing Renderer ----
QKEY found.
Segmentation fault
Notice the frustrating part in the line before the last line.
I even compiled my own urth.so and even had to fix the source code (the author's version of C++ apparently puts "clock" into std:: namespace, but my g++ does not).
Btw, anyone knows what might be a good place to start looking if I wanted to fix my teleportation issue. (it's not typical teleportation caused by network problems, it only happens that some people teleport somewhere near me at first, but later they move smoothly. I.e. someone comes from behind and corner but I spot him/her when he/she is already a few meters away from the wall.)