hi man

firstofall: welcome!

and thank you for you contribution.
justaloser is also knows as HumppaLakki, one of the olders admins here (as far as I know).
He's German, so you have to forgive him if he goes nazi on your ass (kidding guys!

), but mostly, he has very good reason to kick you if he did.
I am also a admin. Everybody has their own little ways to determine what can, and what can not, and you probably did something to piss him off, even though you may not have intended so. Don't worry about it, let it go, and just beware the server's rules:
- no camping (sitting like a moron in one place)
- no racism, foul language, or offensive names
- no blocking (this also means, if you are slow, get your ass out of the way for better&faster players, seriously)
- no teamkilling
- don't question admins decisions on the server, because we ALSO come to play and have fun, not to have discussions. Here/ forums is OK to question authority though

- last but not least: HAVE FUN!