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 Post subject: Another question
PostPosted: 05.27.10 
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Who would be kind enough to explain what does "bashing" mean in the sentance
Extra skillpoints are awarded for bashing, killing with pistols and other difficult weapons!


I can't translate this word in my frenchy language ... :|


 Post subject: Re: Another question
PostPosted: 05.27.10 
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bashing means "a physical attack, or a series of attacks, on a person or group of people".
I think its in relation with knives "boot o passion" :- whrn u jump with a knife at other player and a sound is heard like "dhish".

Atleast this is wat i understand.

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 Post subject: Re: Another question
PostPosted: 05.27.10 
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Bashing can be understood somewhat as ramming or slamming in this context. Methinks it refers to that "boot of passion" phenomena where you kick the player by jumping at them while holding a gun, knife, grenade or nothing. I mean this one: xlr_stats.php?func=weapon&weaponid=22 .

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 Post subject: Re: Another question
PostPosted: 05.27.10 
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KnightINDIA wrote:
bashing means "a physical attack, or a series of attacks, on a person or group of people".
I think its in relation with knives "boot o passion" :- whrn u jump with a knife at other player and a sound is heard like "dhish".

Atleast this is wat i understand.

Yeah, if it was like that, i would be #1 (ok, maybe #3) player on server... I'm first with boot of passion (169), 5th with knife (6163), first with thrown knife (48) and 2nd (i think, 49) with goomba. Here bashing means killing in row (combos). The longest winning steak one goes in bashing.

In other words:
Extra skill points are awarded for killing better people, making combos and killing with hard weapons.



 Post subject: Re: Another question
PostPosted: 05.28.10 
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AimMe wrote:
KnightINDIA wrote:
bashing means "a physical attack, or a series of attacks, on a person or group of people".
I think its in relation with knives "boot o passion" :- whrn u jump with a knife at other player and a sound is heard like "dhish".

Atleast this is wat i understand.

Yeah, if it was like that, i would be #1 (ok, maybe #3) player on server... I'm first with boot of passion (169), 5th with knife (6163), first with thrown knife (48) and 2nd (i think, 49) with goomba. Here bashing means killing in row (combos). The longest winning steak one goes in bashing.

In other words:
Extra skill points are awarded for killing better people, making combos and killing with hard weapons.

I think bashing means not killing in a row but as u wrote hitting 1 or more opponents continuously.

Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are.


 Post subject: Re: Another question
PostPosted: 05.28.10 
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KnightINDIA wrote:
I think bashing means not killing in a row but as u wrote hitting 1 or more opponents continuously.

Isn't that almost same? You hit one and kill him and then hit another? Maybe you 're right, htat is just what i think afte watching demo of bashing (they just say it is):

Watch this vid @ Youtube (new Window)



 Post subject: Re: Another question
PostPosted: 05.28.10 
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'Bashing' also was what they called the melee attack in the Call of Duty series, where one could kill an opponent by hitting them with the back end of a rifle.

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 Post subject: Re: Another question
PostPosted: 05.28.10 
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BEH wrote:
'Bashing' also was what they called the melee attack in the Call of Duty series, where one could kill an opponent by hitting them with the back end of a rifle.

That's what "bashing" is in normal English dictionary, and also what I though it would be: simply hitting someone (i.e. ramming, kicking, punching, ...).

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 Post subject: Re: Another question
PostPosted: 05.28.10 
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natirips wrote:
BEH wrote:
'Bashing' also was what they called the melee attack in the Call of Duty series, where one could kill an opponent by hitting them with the back end of a rifle.

That's what "bashing" is in normal English dictionary, and also what I though it would be: simply hitting someone (i.e. ramming, kicking, punching, ...).

That wouldn't be logical, since only thing we have in UrT is kicking and goomba, and that ara acutally "hard weapons", so it's pointles to say "bashing or killing with hard weapons" if bashing=some hard weapons.

Yeah, my english sux, but hope you get it.



 Post subject: Re: Another question
PostPosted: 05.28.10 
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AimMe wrote:
natirips wrote:
BEH wrote:
'Bashing' also was what they called the melee attack in the Call of Duty series, where one could kill an opponent by hitting them with the back end of a rifle.

That's what "bashing" is in normal English dictionary, and also what I though it would be: simply hitting someone (i.e. ramming, kicking, punching, ...).

That wouldn't be logical, since only thing we have in UrT is kicking and goomba, and that ara acutally "hard weapons", so it's pointles to say "bashing or killing with hard weapons" if bashing=some hard weapons.

Yeah, my english sux, but hope you get it.
Well, goomba is hardly a "weapon", it's a method. Same goes for kicking.

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