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PostPosted: 01.31.16 
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... and do we want to be a part voicing their opinion towards FS?

Well I asked some questions and got some interesting and in my opinion constructive answers.
Now I want to ask you all if we as dswp want to bring our wishes and ideas towards FS. This might be a good way to help shape UrTHD in a way we would like to see this game evolve.
I can understand the wish that they want a person (this sounds, or might even be .. wait it is lobbyism/lobbying) a as in one person representing a community, as it is some work to filter through opinions sorting constructive from destructive and based of experience or purely on feels.

I think this is a good way and opportunity to approach FS, but I am not the community. Its you/us. So I'd ask: Would we want someone as a representative as in the one that talks for us to FS? In a diplomatic sense not a political. Meaning delivering/presenting our opinions/ideas/wishes towards them not getting "sent" to make their own wishes happen. And if the answer is yes: Should we vote for someone? If so, regularly, only on occasions, are there even several people who would do this?
I personally think if we engage in a dialog with FS about the future of this game this should be done relatively transparent hence the public post and not in the secret mod/admins section as this would then only represent one part of the dswp community. And with the recent start (shout out to Draik, your the man! :lol: ) of Sunday night mumble party + tdm this might be the time dswp wakes up again from its beauty sleep :D .

Edit: Good night everyone and sleep well. Until tomorrow in mumble! :D


PostPosted: 01.31.16 
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I'm an optimist but we have a problem.
I hope you will tottaly agree that the main thing on DSWP is the community of DSWP but the problem is that the comminity awakes only on Sunday :) like some ancient creature.
No other people can be seen the whole week on servers (JUMP is an exception).

So we should do something to bring people back so we will have an active community.
If community will become active, we will defenitily need a representative.

We have two main options IMHO:
1. We should buy some slaves which will play every day on the TDM.
2. When FS will release the new version of UrT we should be totaly prepared. By prepared I mean running server.

About a representative candidate:
Tadaaaa... I'm voting for zietsh to be our representative \0/


PostPosted: 01.31.16 
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Draik wrote:
We have two main options IMHO:
1. We should buy some slaves which will play every day on the TDM.

F1 :lol:
and BOMB + JUMP too :D



PostPosted: 02.01.16 
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zietsh, my good fellow

i can give you few points but you not gonna like it.

i think in their timeline this unreal thing will happen like years from now. i mean look how they going so far with their releases. look how much it took for 4.3. and the whole thing moving to another engine now?

besides, one of the charms of urt is - and i believe i speak for lots of people - the q3 engine. and q3 is for life if you know what i mean. true its features are outdated, but its like the star wars of the game engines - legendary.

even if they roll out a release - what will it be? another cs clone? and im sorry to say it quite low level one, since the resources of FS are tight even by indy game developers standards. who gonna play this? ask yourself - would you play this?

so about the things you talking about, they are reasonable, but are so so far away in time, its probably the last thing they gonna do. i mean the server ui and all kinds of controls you speak of.

on the other hand, its good to see you still young, full of energy and optimism :)

p.s. forgot to remind you of FS' uneasy relationship with their own community. this gonna be a problem too.

"It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority."
-- Benjamin Franklin


PostPosted: 02.02.16 
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Nice point of view havoc.

havoc wrote:
think in their timeline this unreal thing will happen like years from now. i mean look how they going so far with their releases. look how much it took for 4.3. and the whole thing moving to another engine now?

<serious>Sad thing but you are right. It'll be like half-life 3 for us.</serious>

I hope they will release it in my lifetime so I will be able to say how much I hate it and how much I hate UnrealEngine XD


PostPosted: 02.12.16 
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one important wish: linux support, a repository for main distros. its possible: ... fications/
hope there will be a beta one day, then i start to believe.
we have someone from fs quality team @ dswp: JRandom.

q3 is true love, sure.
anyways it is very old and theres alot problems.
It starts with C itself, continues with Network code and ends with Map design.
ut4 offers alot additional things like steam support.
now we need steam (external master list promoting guys) cause:

too long time nothing (nothing since 2008)
then the senseless try to force community to update, followed by a phase of one year ignorance.
then it was all destroyed.

wont change the cause for 4.2 desaster!

anyone ideas or alternatives? we can run anything that starts on a pc. boom.



PostPosted: 02.12.16 
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wurst wrote:
anyone ideas or alternatives? we can run anything that starts on a pc. boom.

No ideas here.
I think it should shooter too and free2play (better opensource) plus multiplatform and also badass enough :)


PostPosted: 02.12.16 
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Draik wrote:
wurst wrote:
anyone ideas or alternatives? we can run anything that starts on a pc. boom.

i think we had that talk some years ago, about what else we could run along the urt.
it was a short conversation, no one was interested. as i think of it now, its because people are/were here because of urt, and its not easy to find another cross point.

btw i would like to hear our esteemed member JRandom to elaborate on the fs thing.

"It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority."
-- Benjamin Franklin


PostPosted: 02.18.16 
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Well now that I have some time on my hands I will sit down and write a "letter" in the coming days, any more ideas/suggestions?

As I am away from my usual PC and with that i am also parted from my mic I cannot join you guys in mumble for a bit. :/


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