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 Post subject: Re: /-/-/
PostPosted: 07.19.10 
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Joined: 06.26.09
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btw check this article Technology Rivals Lobby to Break Microsoft’s Hold.

just a few years ago lobbying for open source, even at such corporate level, was unthinkable.

sure it will be a long and painful process if it happens, with lots of eu taxpayers money spent around, but at least the money wont go to the ms accounts anymore (yea ballmer, it HURTS! just as your lame os hurt our brains for years), and hopefully some of them will go to eu-based projects, giving some boost to the local economy.

i have a dream, imagine a huge numbers of public sector computers, loaded with cloud node images during the off hours and linked into a huge cloud to be used for those big science projects.

edit - another interesting article 50 Places Linux is Running That You Might Not Expect

"It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority."
-- Benjamin Franklin


 Post subject: Re: /-/-/
PostPosted: 07.20.10 
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nick: [dswp]GewitterOma
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ah, linux is running everywhere.
everywhere, where the people that make the decisions have a plan bout computers.
and yes, its true:
EVERYONE will end in debian (if his lifespan is long enough to thinkabout)

with the so called "enterprise" world, they mean people with money an no idea bout computers.
microsoft concentrate pretty much on them in the last years, they succeed.
if u would have ask me 15 years ago: wow will microsoft exist and be bigger then ever in 2010?
i would have said: sure no.

where i work, we have a cobol-coded, linux-driven warehousing system. since 1989.
allmost bug free from the beginning, a very stable core system that guarantees productivity.
its exchanged now by a microschrott world.
it need supercomuters to run so-so shitty slow.

u wont believe how the deciders talk:
"wow its a sophisticated system" and "good systems need good computers"

nobody talking bout inefficiency, instability, insecurity, inscalability, lag of support.
exept me, they hate me for that.
theres more SSDs under the database then clients in the office.
that the servers have "just 32GB Ram" is cause nobody could afford the 2K8 datacenter "edition".
in order to get in sync with our webshop, we need more licenses (just 124K Euros)
we had allready a sync to our webshop. sure it will run buggy and slow after.

believe me, i would like to just fuck off that workplace and go somewhere where more sense is ruling.
anyways, i stay there and look what i can do now.
theres allready an apache with mssql support, them microsofties are impressed how fast images are generated.
they told me "IIS is faster" then apache, they are impressed. they didnt get that GD is NOT apache. noobs.

i think i will have to sneak in their fat brains like bill did.

problem is allways the laziness of the people.
"wow linux is shitty, i even cant shutdown the system"
"init 0?"
"what? how shall i remember that? its impossible."

on ths base u cant find arguments for the power of the command line.



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