I'm thinking about buying/preordering Torchlight 2 on steam (18,99€) and was just wondering if someone else is interested in it but wasn't sure either.
The point is if some of you guys are also interested in it we could maybe manage to get the 4-pack (56,99€ in total) on steam. In this case one copy would be about 5€ cheaper than buying it 4 times seperatly.
The game is excpected to be realesed in July 2012 and if you're preordering it on steam you get a free copy of the first Torchlight to play right now (just4info)
link to the official game site:
http://www.torchlight2game.com/ah like some of you may already know, i have a new/another steam account:
acc-name: frozensoul3311
current nick: smileitsarifle
so let me know what you think

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