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PostPosted: 12.08.09 
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reminds me when I moved our earlier this year ... I had no connection on my own but due to the raw low education standards in my neighborhood there are a bazillion open wireless connections floating around.
Anyways, that open wireless lan produced the unholy laggraph of evil. It was more surprising to see something green instead of the other funny colors drawing a mandala on my graph.

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PostPosted: 12.08.09 
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AimMe wrote:
I wanted to say it's easier to get used to good hardware than to bad one.

... yes :)
AimMe wrote:
For example i could play UrT normally with normal keyboard anywhere, but since i got G11 i can't play on normal keyboard anymore. All those sounds when i press too many buttons... And being unable to jump while sprinting...

Humm you mean ghosting effect ?
Funny, I thought keyboard was the hardware part you need less time to get used to it, but I've never tried G11 =)

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PostPosted: 12.08.09 
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Yeah, i knwo this problem. Before i moved to munich i played with a Logitech MX5000 set, now i have a macbook pro and use the keyboard of the mbp. my skill is now, after three months with my mbp, like my skill with my old keyboard.
we have to accustom to our new hardware.



PostPosted: 12.08.09 
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I originally bought my G15 for driving simulations (so I can press clutch, gas, handbrake, a gear to shift too, and steer at the same time), but I also appreciate it in shooters. I never did a successful strafe-jump on a classic keyboard so I always placed jump on the right-click, this worked great for jumping, but shooting with the ring finger (left click) resulted in my horrible ultra-noobish old ratio of barely over 0.5, which has been improving lately as I realized that I can actually jump with the keyboard now that I have G15, and shoot with the index finger.

Yes, I am left-handed.

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PostPosted: 12.09.09 
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some success,

my desk arrived ( really impressed with the quality ) so i put it up and unpacked my gaming PC ( with G11 keyb ).

what a difference !

i think it must be underspec hardware that is a large part the issues on the PC i was trying to use last week - it wasnt state-of-the-art when i bought it 6 years ago: GeForce 6600 EISA graphics card; on my games machine everything is a lot better. far fewer interrupt bars in the lagometer now and its all a lot smoother now ( GeForce 8800 GT PCI-Ex, G11 and a razor mouse hard wired ).

still only get 3Mb download but that seems to be almost enough

so i will be back to killing speed from now on.

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PostPosted: 12.09.09 
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NormaSnockers wrote:
so i will be back to killing speed from now on.

OMG nooooooooooooooo he is back ://///

Cool :)

"We are talking about computers here, compared to those I can read women like a book ;P"


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