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 Post subject: Re: ideology & politics
PostPosted: 02.14.13 
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zietsh wrote:
since I believe science that homosexuality is given at birth
1) You are not supposed to believe science. Science (although modern science was originally invented (mostly) by the catholic Church) is not a religion. You are supposed to agree or disagree with science*, not believe (in) it. *Based on whether you were convinced by logic and/or reasoning behind a scientific statement or not.

Moreover, in science, nothing is absolutely right, everything can be made better. Researchers and inventors contribute to science all the time to make it better than before, obviously because it wasn't perfect/complete before the additions were made.

Science is a tool, not an authority or purpose.

2) Many defects and deformations (both physical and psychical) are present even since before a child is born. That doesn't make them less of a problem, nor does it mean they should not be cured/treated accordingly.

Just saying.

zietsh wrote:
And I also want to say that a bastard child is totally innocent just like any other child.
I don't say a child isn't innocent. It's the parent's (or parent's parent's, etc.) fault. Never the less, would you prefer being a bastard child or a legitimate child living in a proper family?

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PostPosted: 02.14.13 
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natirips wrote:
havoc wrote:
so i was watching that talk show, and the dude says - if god created us, why did he put nipples on men?
Actually, I wonder why we weren't given full breasts. I see no reason for a father not to feed his offspring.

you asked for it, it was bound to happen


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PostPosted: 02.14.13 
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@havoc: Funny you have enough interest into that to be able to refer to it like that. ;)

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PostPosted: 02.21.13 
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please, were writing about reasons for and against accepting homosexuality.
when someone (inside this discussion) uses the word "gay"
1 will know what he/she means: male homosexuals.
in wikipedia u can read the rest about that word and its context.

u dont like homosexuals cause god says and havoc is ok with homosexuality but still refuses to cuddle a bit with everyone :)
in mine country they used to make big mess aroud them, it caused permanent punishment over centuries up to including death sentence.
since they are accepted theres 1 problem solved.
everyone is happy, if u ask me: people have time to care for some real problems.
just catholics still messing with "emergency-contraception-for-raped-is-sin", darkening our minds with mid age fun.

1 thing is important for me personally, when it comes to the god-liked side of sex: children.
I mean: Thats the reason for Gods problm with homosexuality: no children.
As we all know theres too many people on the planet.
As we know, in most of the "civilized" countries, theres too less children.
Civilized means having retirement payment social system, excluding wealth in that form that parents would have direct support from their own children when they are old. Complicated...
Now my point:
Nobody, neither the Scientific/Humanistic nor the Catholic/Demagogic side solves this Problem.
Mine suspicion:
Cause it would mean to share with the poor.
Chinese did a great job but Ideologs may be dangerous.
What to do?



PostPosted: 02.21.13 
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wurst wrote:
.....What to do?

play urban terror and enjoy the fun :) 8-)

leave ideology, politics & religion debates for those who are payed to worry about them :mrgreen:



PostPosted: 02.21.13 
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@wurst: It looks indeed like I'm a catholic, I do think that after-rape contraception is a sin. IMHO, any murder (especially a murder of an innocent defenseless child) is a sin.

I don't say rape isn't a sin. IMHO, it is.

I only find abortion acceptable if mother would die along with the child if she continued the pregnancy (for example: in case of underage pregnancy).
As for the other thing (I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself, too lazy to re-read my posts now), I don't care what homosexuals do at home as long as they leave "the streets" clean of mess* (*so called "gay parades" and the likes). I just don't think they need marriage**. They can live as room-mates if they want, I don't care. **They can be married in front of the law if they insist, I don't care. I just don't want them to desecrate my religion*** (=> I merely don't want them married in the Church).

***Actually, I don't want anyone to desecrate anyone's religion for that matter and I generally respect other religions even though they may think different.

Edit: @Pingo: If you don't like the topic, don't read the thread and go play some UrT instead. No hard feelings intended.

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PostPosted: 02.22.13 
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@natirips - i will write you a nice answer once my blood pressure calms down, and it will be the last thing before i ignore you forever.

prepare to get "desecrated", you and your religion.

"It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority."
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PostPosted: 02.22.13 
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Sorry to say it, but (most of) you went full retard in this thread (which was expected).

1) If you are not Christian (or generally not part of religion) why do you care what they say is sin. I mean, if you are not Christian in this case, why do you care if Christians think abortion is sin. If you feel like it isn't, just do it. If you feel it is, don't. Even if you are Christian and you don't think it's not sin, well do it. And even if you are Christian and you think it is sin, you can still do it, right? I mean, we all make sins we are aware of. Sure some weight more some less, but that's reality. If Church says it's sin, it doesn't mean all Christians will obey it. It is wrong of Christians (and other religions) when they try to force their religious laws into country laws, but that is something natural to humans -> they try to shape world as they want it. If i like icecream i'd want to be able to eat icecream anywhere anytime, no? If i hate walking i'll make something that will help me move without walking. Now i made it i'll want others to use it, i'll want to show them how i do things i do. It's same with religion.

2) Homosexuality is not something that exists last few years. It always existed. It is, in a way, protection of human race, meaning, if whole gender disappeared somehow or something happened to it, humans (as well as animals) that remain have possibilty of changing gender through natural process to continue their race, to be able to reproduce. While most humans (animals) are male/female, there exist those who are something between -> those who will first mutate in those conditions. While conditions are stabile, those people will not mutate, but will have bit different personality -> they will be attracted by same gender, and you get homosexuality. For most of the time, people were aware those people exist and it was just ok. Nobody said anything about them, since there was no need. I mean, gay (lets take male for example) didn't bother women so they (women) didn't care. Only males that had relationship with gays were gays. So they stayed together, it was closed group. As they couldn't have children, it stayed like that. Two gays lived together, and eventualy died. We also know of gays who were married (with woman) and had children, but were attracted to males and had (often sexless) intimate relationship with other man. To return on topic, they lived their lives like all people did. They were different but still same in so many ways. Now we have new generation of gays. This are not people who were born like that in most cases, but somehow ended up becoming homosexual. Mostly because of living situation, maybe parents wanted girl, got boy and raised him like girl. Or maybe some girl terribly hurt feelings of boy, which resulted in him hating whole gender, and becoming gay. Maybe it was person living in prison or anywhere without opposite sex and had to become homosexual. Those people often aimed on "normal" people for they boyfriends, and turned them to homosexuality. It would still be ok, if they didn't start asking for their "rights". And that was simply stupid, because they already had rights of all other humans (in most of countries most of times). They were allowed to vote, work, kiss, hug, live together, go to school whatever. There might have been people who discriminated them, but lets face reality, there will always be people who won't respect other people based on anything. Profesor might hate gay, doctor can hate ginger, policeman can hate black person, trainer might hate poor person, it happens. To return to point again, i mind their need to express themselfs as gay. If you are gay, be gay and it's ok, don't shout "I'm gay!" on road. I am not screaming "I'm nerd!" or "I study physics!" or "I need to pee!" or whatever.

When i already touched 2/3rd of title, i'll touch last one as well :)
3) Idoelogy is basicaly same thing as religion. Difference is that religion looks to spiritual things, while ideology on material things (generally, not always). As human has both soul and body, he seeks something which will show him how to live (both for soul and body). Religon will gather people with similar souls, similar thoughts about purpose of life, what happens after death and "why"s. Idology will gather people (often) of similary body/race/nation, similar thougths about how to live life, and how we came to life, and others "how"s. Ideology is religion we can understand actually, what our reason and experience say. As it is in core same thing, it should be treated same way in everything. You either like it and support it, or don't and you fight against it. Both die without support of people, as that is all they have: people who do what they say.
We can say that religion or ideology is "good" or "bad", but we all know how relative this two words are. Which makes all religions and ideologies equal in every aspect. Power of them is determined by number and power of people who follow them.

And just a bit about science: as everything made by humans it has errors.



PostPosted: 02.22.13 
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AimMe wrote:
Sorry to say it, but (most of) you went full retard in this thread (which was expected).
Given the topic, it's hard not to go full retard.

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PostPosted: 08.30.13 
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Basically I took a jump into blogs on Syria.
I am personally not the blog-reader-type but since I heard an interview with a Reuters journalist saying that basically allot of the "better" news on Syria is found there I started looking.
Well I think I "found" some.


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