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 Post subject: I HAVE SOME QUESTIONS :)
PostPosted: 12.15.10 

Joined: 12.15.10
Posts: 4
1st- this is not my nickname, but it says that my nickname AND mail are already in USE, can we make a correction with that..
2nd- WTF BANS ..
I just got banned for 8 mins, without warnings, WHEN I ALWAYS apologize, this is INSANE ( i got banned with my nick -tilldeathpartsus )
and I will have other questions when we resolve these ones :)


PostPosted: 12.15.10 
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Every teamkill is warning... So you made 4 tks: Killerkitten, sdegUrT_Player, Iraitz and *[RN]*-Swi$$-Mr.nnoo. Last one forgived, but these three didn't. So bot banned you. I understand you say sorry, but some people don't know how to use !f, !fp and !fa, so they don't forgive. If there is admin online he can clear you, just ask, if no: there's nothing we can do about it. It's out teamkiller protection. Try not to tk, with time you'll have less and less tks.

I removed ban for now.

EDIT: about first thing you'll have to wait wursti.



PostPosted: 12.15.10 
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you already have half the points added for teamkilling, keep playing as cautious as possible and eventually the machine won't register one accidental teamkill ;)

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PostPosted: 12.15.10 
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Yes and then you can tk somebody for fun.. like me :D

Of course no!!

Actually i did get banned usually too when i was new and noob... and Svarox help'd me! :)


PostPosted: 12.15.10 

Joined: 12.15.10
Posts: 4
Thanks for all the replies. I understand the team-kill protective system, but I don't think all my tk before I got banned were on the same map... Can't we make the bot clear the tk list of players on new maps.. and 8 mins :/ and I will certainly will wait for Wurst for the first part :)), but thanks to all you guys anyways :)


PostPosted: 12.15.10 
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well if you tell us your nick and name you want to use maybe we can check, but with that amount of information even our holy wurst won't be able to do much ^_^

"Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live."
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PostPosted: 12.15.10 
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That depends.. i mean.. he IS the Holy One

tiru: i do sounds like an alien


PostPosted: 12.16.10 
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thor wrote:
…I understand the team-kill protective system, but I don't think all my tk before I got banned were on the same map... Can't we make the bot clear the tk list of players on new maps…

I'm not an admin, but I certainly see that exceptions like this are a bad idea. Currently, team attacks (and presumably team kills) expire in something like 300 seconds, if the sufferer doesn't forgive you. (And just apologizing isn't necessarily enough; there's nothing easier for a "tking tard" than bang-bang-so-sorry. Others have to trust you.) If you have a real problem with inadvertent teamkilling, you could sit few minutes in spec to let some of these expire, and continue. The point being, suffering because of one's clumsiness will eventually end due the rising skill level (and recognition by other players), while suffering because of one's malicious intent will stay. And this is a Good Thing.

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PostPosted: 12.16.10 
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You also get bonus points for asking the admin to clear you ("clear pls"), if there is an admin he can clear you from all your tk points and warnings.

The purpose of life is to fight maturity.


PostPosted: 12.16.10 
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that is, if u a nice and reasonable guy and in general a sentient being

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