so, this is necessary, cause im kicked 2 mins ago, teamkill warnings...

I must vent my anger (Is this right?

The system self ist good, but not when some teammates run into an SR8 shot, that was targeted to an enemy, i say "Sorry" but nothing happens, no forgive or anything else, and that was not the only one, on a server with 45 ppl its impossible to not run before a scope of an mate. Thats o.k., cause 1-2 teamkills, will not kick u.
But when no one forgives, and its strictly NOT ur fault, then the system is a failure, u can nothing do, only wait to get kicked, or rejoin fast enough, before the kick is executed.
Its only 2 minutes, so thats not the problem, the real problem i have is with such guys, that not forgive, and thats not only noobs, they dont know about it.
And the takes me to the point where i must think, why in hell should i forgive ppl when its strictly my fault? Maybe some ppl do exactly this already and dont forgive ppl...
k, im feeling better now, that was absolutely necessary