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PostPosted: 03.30.12 
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Lights Off for Earth Hour, March 31, 2012 8:30 - 9:30 pm

Schalte am 31. März von 20.30 bis 21.30 Uhr das Licht aus und mach die WWF Earth Hour zu Deiner Stunde für unseren Planeten!


who did it?

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PostPosted: 03.30.12 
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Do I also have to switch off my keyboard's light?

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


PostPosted: 03.30.12 
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Путін — хуйло

Beginner’s Guide to Urban Terror (woefully out of date)

Daily Deadnade (last updated September 9, 2016)


PostPosted: 03.30.12 
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natirips wrote:
Do I also have to switch off my keyboard's light?

If you ask me the real point would be to switch all electricity consumping things and provide no polution at the same time caused by any other source. that would be sensless. 1 energy saving bulb can't bring much... its more metaforical. but make it sensless

would my ice-cream melt (1h)?

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PostPosted: 03.30.12 
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If it's somewhat cold outside fridge (say 10-15°C), an ice-cream could survive for a few hours (given the fridge is closed, only turned off).

It should also survive in a thermal bag for at least half an hour in the middle of summer in a car.

P.S.: Even if we shut down all electric consumer thingies, the power plant would still be operating, so the main source of pollution is left intact. And shutting down a power plant for an hour is just ridiculous.

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


PostPosted: 03.30.12 
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shutting stuff on and off (for example fridge) probably uses more energy.... but i always love the pictures of the big city's going all black ^^


PostPosted: 03.30.12 
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it is just symbolic event to show how many of us are aware...

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PostPosted: 03.31.12 
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Jaja, it's like the Women's day -> be nice to women for a day?! WTF you should be nice to them all year :D

+1 What Natirips said + it might even do some damage, if everybody at 9:30PM starts their power consuming things. Eg. they might not be prepared for such fast jump.


PostPosted: 03.31.12 
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eXtr33m wrote:
Jaja, it's like the Women's day -> be nice to women for a day?! WTF you should be nice to them all year :D

+1 What Natirips said + it might even do some damage, if everybody at 9:30PM starts their power consuming things. Eg. they might not be prepared for such fast jump.

thats why they tell you switch the lights off

about women.... i hear this argument always comming from guyz, well no comment to that
other thing is if women didnt fight for better you wouldnt know now for that day. What capitalism made of that day is one thing another is what it really symbolicaly present to all the girlz of the world. dont forget that if you already forget flowers(what in fact they never ment to achieve (only))!

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PostPosted: 03.31.12 
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or switch off tdm?



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