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 Post subject: The Knife in real life!
PostPosted: 04.04.10 
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Since couple of weeks I asked me what model of the knife is used in UrT 4.1. The knife in the game looks very practical and real, most from the weapons panel (see Attachment "shot0031.jpg")

I swore me to see something very similar to this handle... But handles in the game and on the weapon panel are different. And in the game you see less details, but the bright fuller by the top of the blade and handle of leather rings remind you strong on American KA-BAR knife, well used combat knife since WWII, very popular since Vietnam War. Ka-Bar is very practical knife that doesn't need advertising and it exists in many models...

We try find some info outside the game: In stats and on the offsite we see "KaBar Next Generation Knife" with 6 1/4 inch long blade (15,875 cm) and typical recurved blade.

In fact the recurved blade makes the knife so unusual and attractive. This blade form is relative rare (just see , it improves chopping ability of the knife - you can see this blade form usually on machetes, may by the kukri is the best chopping knife with a stabbing ability.

But there is no Next Generation knife with recurved blade and serration!!! AND there is no Ka-Bar knife with recurved 15,875 cm blade! The only similar thing Ka-Bar produced is "Ka-Bar KB1253" Short Ka-Bar Recurve Knife with only 5.25 in. blade (13 cm). And that model definitively FAIL, the production of it was stopped in 2007. You still can buy this ugly knife, but I wouldn't advice. Because by this short blade it makes no sense to do it recurved, it's just to light to chop! (normally 7 inch long Ka-Bar blade weights 1/4 lb (just 113,398093 g), this 5 1/4 inch will be lighter) There is no function for the knife, thats why its not produced anymore.


And for the fans of recurved blades Ka-Bar have a Camp knife with 22 cm blade and 0,5 kg weight!

I was disappointed of the description error in stats and official web site. The knife I found so perfect seem not to be exist.

But the I saw Mission MPK...




Ok, we know now that its Mission MPK knife used in UrT. Definitive.

This is not just a knife... It's gear of US Navy Seals and other special divers. Becuase of non-magnetic titanium blade that is completely corrosion resistant (very useful if you work in salt water and trying to defuse a mine with magnetic detonator...), this Russian titanium also is 40 % lighter as steal.

Well, this is really the most beautiful knife I ever seen. MUST HAVE!
Cuz what will you do without titanium blade if you have to defuse magnetic mine in salt water? :evil: Well, its not cheap, I need to spare money for it.
The only thing I don't like is a small guard on the knife, the guard is useful by stabbing with knife, from Fairbairn-Sykes till SOG Bowie all combat knives have massive double hand guard. I just think this hight tech rubber will compensate it.

Official site of manufacturer

Pro/contra for buying:
- big price
- this is the most difficult blade to sharp: Recurved form AND serration!
+ you'll buy durable tool that will serve you much time
+ this knife is good for most work you would do with knife (maybe except jewelery work and filleting a fish, but if you have skills...)
+ once if you learn sharp this knife you'll do it rare ;D

NOTE: I don't discuss ability to throwing like in the game, because in real life situations its total bullshite that breakes your knife, except you doing sport with for throwing concepted knifes.

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PostPosted: 04.05.10 
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Wow, that IS a nice knife, too bad i dont have a permit for that :(

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PostPosted: 04.05.10 
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manhut wrote:
Wow, that IS a nice knife, too bad i dont have a permit for that :(

o.O In Croatia anybody can have any cold weapon... You just can't take it to school, police station, judge and most public places.

EDIT: non-magnetic? It means you can take it in airport and it won't get detected?



PostPosted: 04.05.10 
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I don't think the law in the Netherlands is so much different as in Germany - here you can buy a cold weapon with 18 (actually some garden tool is not a cold weapon, but can be well used as one :D ), but you are not allowed to run with it through the town or in the near of an demonstration or in teachers room...

Hm, don't know. Really safe against metal detectors in airport are ceramic knifes. Ceramic is used by seal special forces too (no corrosion, not magnetic, hard just like tool steal, but little fragile). They are still pretty expensive, but I saw sales in discount markets kitchen knife with 15 cm ceramic blade for 15-25 € :)


PostPosted: 04.05.10 
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Yeah, heard about ceramic knifes, they are supposed to be really sharp. I mean it can cut steal with no problem. Bit indeed fragile, as all ceramic things. But IMO this knife is more like something to carry, ceramic ones are just for special work.



PostPosted: 04.05.10 
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What's that cable on the fourth picture? Does it let you connect the knife to an USB port? :)

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PostPosted: 04.05.10 
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only 380 USD, that's not much money...the dollar is cheap. Breaks down to 250 euros....not expensive :)

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PostPosted: 04.05.10 
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and it's awesome!
Should be legal in both Germany and Switzerland, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to carry it over the border ^^

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PostPosted: 04.06.10 
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Well in Germany this knife should be rare... I found only 1 internet-shop with a price 235.00 EUR for A2 tool steal blade and 425 € for titanium blade :cry:
The problem with A2, that it weights 347 g vs 269 g Ti.


PostPosted: 04.06.10 
posted some :)
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you want to slice your compuer with it?

or your wife.....

it costs too much for those things... so... don't buy it

To have or not to have the eggs.... thats the question


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