Wondoze users can't use this sorry, consider your virtual dick to small since you use that system :P
just paste this command into a terminal:
echo `uptime|grep days|sed 's/.*up ([0-9]*) day.*/1/10+/'; cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep '^cpu MHz'|awk '{print $4"/30 +";}';free|grep '^Mem'|awk '{print $3"/1024/3+"}'; df -P -k | grep -v '(1k|1024)-blocks' | awk '{if ($1 ~ "/dev/(scsi|sd)"){ s+= $2} s+= $2;} END {print s/1024/50"/15+70";}'`|bc|sed 's/(.$)/.1 cm/'
and tell us your score ;)
my current score is: 561.5 cm
(Available disk space effects the score quite a bit; and I have LOTS)