oki guys last weeks some players were complaining bout lags on the server.
i didnt take it seriously cause hm: they allways complain bout lags, specially the low pingers. one day its not 20 ping, its 25! omg wtf.
this time ana was complaining too, having 20 ping as usual. after she screamed some weeks, i saw it myself on her monitor: connection interrupted.
i was working the same time on a rdp on server, i didnt expirience any lags.
in the end i thought myself: oki lets reset the firewall, its running allready for 9 month now.
hehe. that was it.
heres an image of the cpu graph of firewall. the little dark red spikes in jan/feb mark the time where we had the lags. dunno what causet the problem in the end exactly. but i dont care its over now
lagi_nat.png [ 32.98 KiB | Viewed 7584 times ]