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 Post subject: Server Test
PostPosted: 03.27.15 
Ingame Mod

Joined: 03.27.15
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Hello World :p),
no really like forum because of my wonderfull english; witch speaking like a spanish cow.
When played OFP (Operation FlashPoint); i like to do some anticheat scripts; but on urt is ...

but (i would like to do a litle test):

My computer --> RAM: 1go VIDEO: 8500GT CPU: P4 2.4 GHZ

A litle B3 script who test config of all players connecting on servrer:

Example Minimal Client Config (put in autoexec.cfg at end after all scripts):

setu cl_packetdup "2"
setu cl_maxpackets "66"
setu rate "12500"
setu com_maxfps "83"

same way on server side (but for sure not working):

sets cl_packetdup "2"
sets cl_maxpackets "66"
sets rate "12500"
sets com_maxfps "83"

after find the good client config, a funny thing to do is: QoS, max UDP 83/s, etc.. ( IPTABLE).

For the rest kernel and dedicated server optimization .. LATER to many work.

Thx for our PATIENT.


 Post subject: Re: Server Test
PostPosted: 03.27.15 
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hello mygale :) nice to see you in the forum :))

i dont think you can check the config of a player via b3. :/

or do you have a way?


 Post subject: Re: Server Test
PostPosted: 04.13.15 
Ingame Mod

Joined: 03.27.15
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sup man ? forum and me is ;)

B3 never use it :p), but b3 is database and python so every thing is possible :p)

the only way i have for the moment is by console log when client setu .

P.S.: i test an home dedicated server: Possest.cfg; any want test this topic; welcome.


 Post subject: Re: Server Test
PostPosted: 04.13.15 
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you are French right?

you may write it in French and English. It might help us to understand you. =)
I speak very bad French but when I see it I can understand it better sometimes :)


 Post subject: Re: Server Test
PostPosted: 04.13.15 
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I studied french but I believe is a bit broken... anyway just write it... :D


 Post subject: Re: Server Test
PostPosted: 04.15.15 
Ingame Mod

Joined: 03.27.15
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bon alors si vous le prenez comme cela :p)

je teste un serveur Possest.setu; venez a plusieurs SVP (avec cette config).

setu.cfg: (mon ordinateur et mon serveur ne peuvent pas plus).
setu cl_packetdup "2"
setu cl_maxpackets "66"
setu rate "12500"
setu com_maxfps "83"

Booker a fait le test en 2s; fonctionne bien.

Referer (password) : Ref
Private slot (password) : Priv

c'est pour optimiser: le kernel, urt ded server, et connection.
Quand j'aurais trouvé la bonne optimization (stable et rapide); je vais appliquer des IPTABLES (anticheats connections).

Ensuite j'installerai B3, où je testerais automatiquement si tlm a la même configuration (je peux le voir seulement en console pour le moment, avec setu.cfg).

apres ce sera facile de mettre en developpement sur 5V5 bomb mod.

Voila et MERCI.


 Post subject: Re: Server Test
PostPosted: 04.15.15 
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Ok, I've tested toto (possest) server :)

I included the 4 lines in autoexec file.
I don't know for what are the parameters, but i can play as usually


 Post subject: Re: Server Test
PostPosted: 04.17.15 
Ingame Mod

Joined: 03.27.15
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Thx booker,

\com_maxfps\83\rate\12500\cl_maxpackets\66\cl_packetdup\2\ <- in console n1 :p)

4.3 come with unlock of the cvars sv_fps and snaps; but need more cvar in setu.cfg and with a litle IPTABLEs i can test rate, cl_maxpackets for man with strange connection, urt client or OS.

Like that all same game and can optimize servers :o .


P.S.: plz come to do a test, need peeps.


 Post subject: Re: Server Test
PostPosted: 04.18.15 
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my config is as follows (I can play with your settings too but I find this too be nicer for me):

seta cl_maxpackets "125"
seta rate "32000"
seta com_maxfps "85"
seta com_hunkmegs "640"
seta ut_timenudge "0"
seta cl_packetdup "1"


 Post subject: Re: Server Test
PostPosted: 04.19.15 
Ingame Mod

Joined: 03.27.15
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yo everybody toutlemonde,

it is a develop server; can't be a production one :p)

need some man to test my very old home server and connection :p) for that setu.cfg is the max i can do if more than 8 connections (think).

-when find max client; i try IPTABLEs.

-after b3 (some work for me).

-and put in prod, on servers (if you want).



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