PaddyMagic wrote:
Who made River Runs Red admin?
Hi its PaddyMagic aka PaddysPresence.
Im admin myself on the terrorists server but always find myself on yours.
I get on with most you admin no problem but RRR was completly out of order today, he ruined mine and many other players game. I witnesed him kick around 10-15 players in the space of 3 games! blocking,camping fuckin idiot were all excuses. i'm sure Laziness(the admin) will back me up and hopefully you'd check your records.
and what happened to warning player before kicking them???
After kicking me a coulple of times for various reasons i tried to ask pirat if he agreed with his behaver and of course i was muted... I personally belive the guy as some serioius depressing real life issues that he takes out on poor inoccent urt players but thats just want i think. please take this seriously and don't let this guy kill your server
Paddy loves you all x
10 to 15 people in arround 3 maps you think? Okay, checked echelon for that. Seems to be you are right with the number. Reasons for the kicks?
Most of them kicked for camping, two for spawnkilling and 3 for teamattacking and tking (and yeah i kick those idiots with messages like Tking fucktard couse he is a god damn fucktard). So.... you know the reasons now, you know why i kicked them and if you have still a problem with that read this first : you got kicked with the reason "tard" you may ask. So its really simple. Calling me a camper while playing on ramelle after i killed you one single time and without seeing how im playing (and im not a camper at all even on ramelle and i never kick camper on maps like ramelle, riyadh, uptown or eagle designed for that) is just stupid and i warned you ingame to stop these behavior.
Telling me the server is empty couse i kicked all of them after it changed to a map (ut4_ricochet) where nearly everybody got cycled out (god damn i hate this bug) is just retarded and i acctually was pissed about you so you got kicked and as aimme allready sad its the best warning you can get to just stfu and play.
What did you do.... hmmm.... funny thing.... you came back and start again a stupid discussion (remember to read the rules carefully). What did i do... i should have kicked you a second time.... hmmm.... no, i just muted you couse im sick of this stupid discussion and told you exactly that fact. So let me tell what was you reaction on that (not to forget, i only muted you)? I played a few seconds and you crossed my way.... just wanted to play a bit... so you decide to be a little fucktard by teamkilling me and leaving the server after that. So yeah... simple thing for me. Backend ban via echelon for that retarded behavior and i wont remove this ban.
And not to forget.... after i changed the map to ut4_kingdom and got rid of camper, teamkiller and so on... the server was nearly full all the time i was there so.... dont tell me ever again the server is empty couse i kick all the retards out.
And also not forget. Thanx for the support to everybody