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 Post subject: Re: More Slotz!
PostPosted: 08.05.09 
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im also not a big fan of the idea to split the server in Pro and Noob server.

I often have really bad stats because i do some random shit on the server cause for my own fun ingame. Running with knife or pistol only for example. So stats dont say anything about the skill some players have. Think of slicey. He isent that often even in the Top 20 cause he just wants to have some fun and dont wants to be the "Skillmaster". And i really believe i could be N1 if he wants to.

Just lets have fun on the server.

Btw. I totally agree to the that what aimme says.



 Post subject: Re: More Slotz!
PostPosted: 08.05.09 
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AimMe wrote:
Why? If somebody had skill 1490, he plays at noob server. Now, he had skill 1490 while playing vs noobs AND pros, and he'll pwn noobs so much, and get skill over 1550 very quickly.
And somebody who had skill 1510 while playing against pros AND noobs, will have no chance against only pros, and his skill will quickly go below 1450.

I would say that the guy with 1490 skill points will get skill over 1550 as quickly as he kills more skilled players than him, more than noobs... IMO, the 1510 skill points guy who play on a pro server won't have his skill decreasing below 1450 that fast.
Xlrstats uses logistic function to calculate skill points when someone is killed, like ELO ranking system in chess for example. That means if you are skilled, you won't get lots of skill points by killing a noob, and he won't lose much, but if he kills you he will win lots and you would lose lots of points too. For example, if the 1510 guy kills someone who have 1750 with normal weapon, he will win roughly 3.4 points. If the 1750 kills the 1510, he will lose only 1.1 points : it means that if the 1510 is able to keep a 1:3 ratio, his skill points will remain stable. 1:3 isn't so huge, assuming the guy was leader of the beginner server...
AimMe wrote:
And one more thing: We would have all admins and over 10 mods at pro server, and maybe 3 mods on noob server.

Yes you have a point here.
AimMe wrote:
i and dmmh would go to noob server and knife them all and get all records,

Nasty knife record stealers :D
HumppaLakki wrote:
SvaRoX wrote:
Knife multiplier isn't high enough to give you skill points because you die too much ;)
Yes 1500 is nice, or maybe 1600. According to xlrstats calculations, a 1600 skill points is supposed to have 9/10 probability to kill a noob (1000 skill points)...

Thats not right at all. I played yesterday with xtj7 on 3 or 4 maps knife only. and i get with nearly 1.00 Ratio nearly 100 Skillpoints plus. So the multiplier is high enough to give you some skillpoints even if you kill noobs.

Maybe the factor 2 is high enough, but still, 100 skill points is an absolute value, whereas winning skill points totally depends on your skill you had when you sliced and the skills of your victims. Ok, if you play with a new account, you could gain 100 skills points even with horrible ratio. But I'm not sure you could maintain 1800 with knife only on wurst, nor you could win 100 skills points if you had 1750 with knife only, because you would be killed by low skilled player and it would cost you too much points. Or else you would need a better ratio than 1 which is hard or... having the knife factor increased =)
<adv>!kntest <someone> to know how many skill points you would win by slicing someone :) </adv>
HumppaLakki wrote:
im also not a big fan of the idea to split the server in Pro and Noob server.

I often have really bad stats because i do some random shit on the server cause for my own fun ingame. Running with knife or pistol only for example. So stats dont say anything about the skill some players have. Think of slicey. He isent that often even in the Top 20 cause he just wants to have some fun and dont wants to be the "Skillmaster". And i really believe i could be N1 if he wants to.

Not "Pro" vs "Noob" but "advanced players" between "beginners" :D
Having some "minimal skills" server wouldn't mean you have to maintain your skill : once you have 1500 you can play on the advanced server and have fun on it. It only means that you have spent some times on the other server, so you know better what to do/not to do ingame : it's not about removing fun, it can even add fun... being teamkilled and blocked 10 times/minutes is really fun killer too. Ok on a 50 slots server it happens more often :)

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 Post subject: Re: More Slotz!
PostPosted: 08.05.09 
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I don't think splitting serwer would be a grand idea. The noob serwer would get low administration so aimbotters and such would quickly make their way towards the pro serwer and drive away honest new members in the process. I see no point in that.

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


 Post subject: Re: More Slotz!
PostPosted: 08.05.09 
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hmm maybe keep the big one, just start the 2nd to see if people like it to be among other "skilled" players (high skill and ratio players still can be campers and cunts!)
I don't see no reason why people with a higher skill shouldn't be able to join the old server (at the request that admins should be able to join both)

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 Post subject: Re: More Slotz!
PostPosted: 08.05.09 
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If you really want to split servers, don't do it by skill, make beginner server for all, all people who has at least 150 rounds played can join advanced server.
Still i don't like that idea.



 Post subject: Re: More Slotz!
PostPosted: 08.05.09 
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oki heres the B3 answer to that:

  <settings name="rotationmanager">
    <!-- enable the rotationmanager? -->
    <set name="rm_enable">False</set>
    <!-- path to your current mapcycle.txt -->
    <set name="gamepath">/home/mark/games/urt_tdm/q3ut4/</set>
    <!-- number of players when to switch rotations - from small to medium -->
    <set name="switchcount1">4</set>
    <!-- number of players when to switch rotations - from medium to large -->
    <set name="switchcount2">12</set>
    <!-- Hysteresis setting for the switchpoints: switchcount +/- hysteresis will change rotations -->
    <set name="hysteresis">2</set>
    <!-- name of the file holding the small rotation - must also be in your gamepath -->
    <set name="smallrotation">b3_cycle_small.txt</set>
    <!-- name of the file holding the medium rotation - must also be in your gamepath -->
    <set name="mediumrotation">b3_cycle_medium.txt</set>
    <!-- name of the file holding the large rotation - must also be in your gamepath -->
    <set name="largerotation">b3_cycle_large.txt</set>

its part of poweradminurt extplugin, ill check that dunno if i can finish today, the thing is to generate 3 cycles with different sized maps.
this require a separate column in the mapcycle vote machine, it must be decided whats big and small.

id say we make the small cycle for maps till 20, the medium till 30 and the big till the bitter end.
ah, important:

all voted maps should cycle in the small exept the big
all voted maps should be played in the medium cycle exept the allready too small
only big maps will be played in the big cycle
so it would be just cutting off from the majority will whats not possible.
thats important, blinky reminded mebout that.
is that ok in ur opinion?
is there enough big to keep the game interesting?
the need for only big maps on big server is specially framedrops, they just dont appear there...

ah let me start the list:

small (<20)
the bath
maybe dressing room whatever.

medium (between 20 and 30):
all not assigned, big ones ok?

large (>30)

any suggestions which maps fit where?

ah and please, i dont wanna remove noobs.
please, summer holiday is soon over. pupils go back to school and sturents re-appear on screen. skill will raise then, its just the "summer hole" i would say/hope



 Post subject: Re: More Slotz!
PostPosted: 08.05.09 
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abbey ctf in 30+

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- Martin Golding


 Post subject: Re: More Slotz!
PostPosted: 08.05.09 
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Unclefragger wrote:
abbey ctf in 30+

Agree, played a few hours ago and was really cool.

would add Riyadh to the big ones
Uptown, Turnpike, Casa and Algiers to Medium.
Suburbs and Subterra to small and Medium
Coconut and Streets to the small ones



 Post subject: Re: More Slotz!
PostPosted: 08.05.09 
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eagle is certainly big, riyadh might be considered big too.

<XTJ7> !penis
<CuntBot> XTJ7, your penis is 23.3 cm long. 8=========D
<XTJ7> !8ball do i rock?
<CuntBot> XTJ7: OH YEAH !
<BEH> !8ball you lieing too?
<CuntBot> BEH: Totally not.
<BEH> -_-''


 Post subject: Re: More Slotz!
PostPosted: 08.05.09 
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anyone probs in full riyadh?

btw heres list of votable maps (and how it looks now):


small maps are only that what get mad with 20 players allready...
size 1=small btw lol



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