If there is a a "Edit this page" button i can not find it ... (I also let my pc search for such a thing
(F3 in Chrome on page source) )
Zottels map-research is a huge database of pretty much every map there is, if my mind remembers correctly hes slowly "working" himself through those maps (checking if good/bad laggy/fluent etc.), in contrast I am for example only checking if maps I find are good for bomb mode (since that is obviously the best game mode out there
Well then I will let you know when I have something for the wiki, maybe somethings about making configs for demos and stuff like that, with a little help from Pirat and Zottel I managed to get (in my opinion some good configs... might just be helpful for others too.... and I once made myself a "config-editor" in c# (windows only/visual c#) which I looking back sadly deleted because I had no use for it (quit c# programming altogether only focusing on c++, but I'm getting of topic again).. I might just get the knowledge to make something new in js or php IF I finally sit down and work a little bit on that (well just some future fantasy but I'd love to do some stuff for the wiki is what I'm trying to say