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 Post subject: Bomb mode tutorial
PostPosted: 03.03.15 
Ingame Mod

Joined: 02.28.14
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nick: UrT:StillDying
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Bomb mode tutorial


"The Red Team (terrorists) is the offensive team, who attempts to plant the bomb in one of two strategic locations denoted by the pulsating icon. The Blue Team (antiterrorists) defends the plant locations, either trying to kill the entire team or to defuse the bomb once it has been planted. 
The offensive team has the full round time limit to plant the bomb. Once the bomb has been planted, the round time will stop, which results the bomb timer starting its countdown to detonation, either exploding or be defused by the defending team. Points are awarded to both teams for their actions during a round."

Bomb and bombsites

The bomb bag is the most important item (weapon) in this mode. It is given randomly at each round start to one of the Red Team players.

The bomber/Red Team players can:

1. select a bomb - like every other weapon or directly: /bind key ut_weaptoggle bomb, where default key is 6.
2. carry the bomb to plant it on the bombsite
3. drop the bomb (to give it to another player) same way like every other weapon or directly: /bind key ut_weapdrop bomb
4. lose the bomb when get killed, teamkilled or suicide
5. pick up the dropped (lost) bomb automatically by stepping on it
6. use bomb to make damage to other players by so called booting (same method like with pistols, knife or nades)

The Blue Team player can only defuse a planted bomb.

Dropped bomb is represented by a pulsating black-yellow point on each Red Team player's minimap. (If you don't see your minimap press M)

Also the bomber is being shown ( to his teammtes only) on the minimap by changing colours arrow, and there is also a BOMB word next to his name on the scoreboard.

Bombsite is the place on the map (and minimap) marked by pulsating sign dedicated to plant/defuse a bomb. There are always 2 bombsites: Red (called also A) and Black (B, called also blk).

Planting a bomb

To plant a bomb, the red player who has this object got to select it and:
1. traditional method: to step on the one of the bombsite signs (it doesn't have to be the center of the bombsite!) and press Mouse 1 button (fire one). After that bomber gets freezed for a few seconds while planting. Can't move or shoot , can be only moved by other players using already mentioned boot technique – to hide him in a safer place.
2. Powerslide plant method (speed plant): to make a powerslide and click mouse 1 button while is touching bombsite to start planting and to continue slide until stop in more safe place. It's very helpful method on the open bombsites. Watch this video for details:

Watch this vid @ Youtube (new Window)

Just after planting the bomb, there is displayed for all a message: The bomb has been planted by [bombers nickname here] (on dswp servers bot spams the console additionaly)
Bomb explode time depends on the server, on dswp servers it's 37 seconds.

Defusing a bomb

The planted bomb can be defused only by a Blue Team player. Defuser got to be on the bombsite (not necessarily in the center of it!) and to keep pressing the use key (the one used to open the doors) - default for this is CTRL or /bind key +button7 . Defuse time depends on the server, usually it's no longer than 15 seconds. On dswp servers it's only 8 seconds so it's realy desired to try so called ninja defuse (to get silently on bombsite and to defuse despite many terrorists still alive). While defusing player can move (also crouch)
but has to be careful not to step outside of the bombsite, cause then defuse time is reseted. Defuser can also jump while defusing, but only in the center of the bombsite! Moving while defusing to avoid enemies bullets is called a dance. Look at this movie:

Watch this vid @ Youtube (new Window)

Victory conditions

To win a map team got to win more rounds than the opposite one. Usually there are 10 rounds per half and a team swap after 1st half.

Red team wins a round when at least 1 of the conditions is satisfied:
1. bomb exploded
2. bomb got planted and all blue team players died before explode time
3. bomb wasn't planted but all blue team players died before round time end and at least 1 red player is alive (even if is going to bleed to death)

Blue team wins a round when at least 1 of the conditions is satisfied:
1. bomb got defused
2. bomb wasn't planted and all red team players died and at least 1 blue player is alive (even if is going to bleed to death)
3. bomb wasn't planted before the round time end and both team players are still alive (it's not Team Survivor!, many newcomers make this mistake when they try to draw)

Draw in a single round is possible only when bomb wasn't planted and the remaining players of both teams died exactly in the same time before round time end!

When round limit is over and there is a draw (let's say 5-5) there is played an extra round.

Personal points

Players gather personal points, however this doesn't matter for the final game score. As you can see below, playing for the objective is awarded!

Red Team player receives points for:
1 point for fragging an enemy
2 points for fragging an enemy while covering the bomber
1 point for a bomber for planting a bomb
1 point for a bomber for every enemy killed by a bomb explosion
2 points for fragging a defuser

Blue Team player receives points for:
1 point for fragging an enemy
3 points for fragging a bomber
1 point for defusing a bomb


In bomb mode very important thing is awarness of enemy and especially bomb location. Therefore radio commands are very useful.

ut_radio 8 1 Heading to Bombsite A.
ut_radio 8 2 Heading to Bombsite B.
ut_radio 8 3 Enemy at Bombsite A.
ut_radio 8 4 Enemy at Bombsite B.
ut_radio 8 5 I have the bomb.
ut_radio 8 6 The bomb is loose!

Also it's desired to turn on autoradio, cg_autoradio 1 or cg_autoradio 2 ( I prefer 2, cause in option 1 it spams commands with every nade thrown) It unblocks some auto radio commands in bomb mode informing teammates from Red Team: which player spawned with bomb, when dropped bomb got picked up, when bomber started to plant and from Blue Team: when defuser started to defuse.


Try always to play for the objective. As the Red Team member cover the bomber, look for the dropped bomb, control the round time not to fail to plant a bomb, check the bombsite when bomb is planted to kill defusers. As the Blue Team member defend the bombsites, inform teammates about location of dropped bomb and always try to defuse.


author: Bagheera


Last edited by bagheera on 03.04.15, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Bomb mode tutorial
PostPosted: 03.03.15 
Ingame Mod

Joined: 02.28.14
Posts: 30
nick: UrT:StillDying
skill: 1143.33
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Guys if you like this tutorial could you code a b3 command which spams a message: " Read the bomb mode tutorial please" and link to this to a certain player? Let's say !rtfm <player> , 5 times maybe for the player and once for all. Or maybe it's possible with already existing commands? Anyway it could be very usefull for admins and bomb newcomers I guess.

Make the thread sticky?

To be done: map tips and strategies.


 Post subject: Re: Bomb mode tutorial
PostPosted: 03.03.15 
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done :D ;)
!spam/!s bombtutorial => say it to all
!spam/!s <player> bombtutorial => only the player get a message



 Post subject: Re: Bomb mode tutorial
PostPosted: 03.03.15 
Ingame Mod
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nice work :mrgreen:


 Post subject: Re: Bomb mode tutorial
PostPosted: 03.03.15 
Ingame Mod

Joined: 02.28.14
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nick: UrT:StillDying
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Zottel wrote:
done :D ;)
!spam/!s bombtutorial => say it to all
!spam/!s <player> bombtutorial => only the player get a message

Thanks :D


 Post subject: Re: Bomb mode tutorial
PostPosted: 03.04.15 
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nick: [dswp]GewitterOma
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thanks for that piece of work.
we should think about putting it in our wiki so it stays in focus and is easy to find for noobs.
wiki itself should be reviewed, its without support for some years and it has a txt backend. anyways... (:

[quote=bagheera]a b3 command which spams a message: " Read the bomb mode tutorial please"[/quote]
i think its important to take care of new players.
often its difficult to reach them in console, some times they even dont recognize that they face human opponents.

cool to see zottel just doing it, with 4.1 out b3 people went
feels like old days where implementing features was a normal everyday thing.



 Post subject: Re: Bomb mode tutorial
PostPosted: 03.04.15 
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nick: [dswp]zietsh
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Cool! :D

I added a link in the subtopic 'Bomb' in the wiki.

But in general you can find almost everything in here (

Btw. Bagheera I always see you using binds to tell people how to plant etc.

Here are other spams:
plant: ^1BOMB ^3by default is accessible with ^16 ^3or scrolling through the weapons with the mouse wheel. Use 'fire'(left mouse button) to plant the bomb.
bombspot: ^1Bomb spots^2 are visible on both your ^1minimap^2 and in-game as ^1animated targets^2.
def: ^1Defuse ^2by using the (def)^1'use'^2 key: ^1CTRL^2.
door: ^1Open doors^2 by using the ^1'use'^2 key: ^1CTRL^2.
medic: ^2Use ^1Q^2 to medic team-mates.
medkit: ^2If you have a ^1medkit^2 you can medic faster. A person carrying a ^1medkit^2 can heal others and can be healed by others up to 90%. (Otherwise only up to 50%.)
bindmed: ^2Players sometimes drop their medkit to give it to a team-mate so that they can be healed faster. You can bind this using ^1'/bind <key> ut_itemdrop medkit' ^2.
console: ^2Open your console using ^1'~'^2 or ^1'^'^2 .
bind: ^2You can bind keys with the console: '^1/bind <key> <command>^2' ^2.


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