natirips wrote:
Rylius wrote:
I started this yesterday =)
Before I couldnt do anything in Blender either

Sorry, but it looks quite scary to me.
I can write the complete detailed usage tutorial for Wings3d right here:
[tutorial]Observe the status bar. Use the right click too.[/tutorial]

But sometimes simple things aren't powerful enough to do some things. Basic is simple, but can you do some big project in it? I mean real program. So to do real program you'll use something like C++, which is 100 times more complicated, and less than 2 times more powerful, but it will be able to do it.
Or something like difference between Ubuntu and Gentoo, Ubuntu is veeery simple (When i first time saw linux it was some Red Hat and i thought i'll never use linux since it's complicated. But when i saw Ubuntu (i think it was 8.4) i was able to use it with no problem)*, yet gentoo uses 100% of hardware and is more powerful.
*Here i went big offtopic, but it doesn't matter. To continue it, i'll add that without Urban Terror i might switch back to Windows. I mean i would think about that. But like this, no way.