since this goes into manhut's charm count...

and no i did not understand anything.
i present to you: DRUNKEN MANHUT:
Drunken manhut wrote:
03:24 -!- manhut [~manhut@] has joined #dswp
03:24 -!- mode/#dswp [+v manhut] by CuntBot
03:24 <+manhut> Ujonge
03:24 <+manhut> Godverdomme
03:24 <+manhut> Ik ben. Dronken,
03:24 <+manhut> Jezus,
03:24 <+manhut> Fak
03:25 <@CuntBot> -> manhut has joined the Mumble server
03:25 <+manhut> Her p derp
03:25 <+manhut> En ullie verstan er geen reet van haha
03:26 <+manhut> Godver
03:26 <+manhut> V@mumblre
03:26 <+manhut> @mumble
03:26 <@CuntBot> manhut, nasuta
03:26 <+manhut> D:
03:28 <+manhut> Fak jullie
03:28 <+manhut> Echt gocdeverdomme
03:28 <+manhut> @users
03:28 <@CuntBot> Users : HumppaLakki, deviante, GNUino, manhut, Unclefragger,
Lartza, |S^Kracht|, LtCookie, plz, N, Q, z0rn, rzekA, N00bi,
mrzoom, nasuta, Elfix
03:28 <+manhut> Hurrrrrrrrrr
03:28 <+manhut> Fak jullie
03:28 <+manhut> Echt
03:28 <+manhut> Godver
03:29 <+manhut> Woes N
03:51 <+LtCookie> huhu
03:51 <+LtCookie> manhut: you drunken wh***
03:53 -!- Humppa [] has joined #dswp
03:54 <+manhut> LtCookie: sterf
03:58 -!- HumppaLakki [] has quit [Ping
04:05 <+manhut> LtCookie: waarom nog wakker ffs
04:13 <+manhut> Ga slapen ofn zo
04:25 <+LtCookie> manhut: what?
04:25 <+LtCookie> wat
04:25 <+LtCookie> you are so drunk
04:26 <+LtCookie> or your keyboard died
04:26 <+LtCookie> id say the former
04:54 <+manhut> Oneindog uw woede, uew wijsheid is groeot
04:54 <+manhut> Schenk onde zegen de vijand de ddod
05:11 -!- Humppa [] has quit [Ping timeout]
05:19 <@CuntBot> -> manhut has left the Mumble server
05:33 <+manhut> Kut ik moet aaa re bed