@ knight: in the *nice maps* area, there is a post with a link for an urt-maps site, there you are able to download jump maps and try 1st for your own
@ humppa: das wird denk ich net möglich sein, da man zu nem funzenden squad immer nen leader und/oder taktiker braucht, wenn das halbe team anfängt das zu machen was sie wollen während eines cw`s, ist der spielspass bald verloren, weil kaum was greifbares bei rauskommt, ausser ab und an mal nen zufallstreffer. würd mich aber schon interessieren, mal wieder richtig ins cw-fieber zu treten
, wenn ihr noch jmd braucht, bin gern dabei xD
@ rest: i like 2 play every mode, cause every modes has advantages and disadvantages, maybe we should find 1 special day 4 the mode, most played like bomb, and a various day for all the other modes, where we can change the modes in that one, what is asked for that day.
1st of all i think we should find out, who wanna play special modes, who has a lot time 2 spend for playing that preferred mode, and what players are the best with maybe 1 or 2 changing players, but if u want to win, u need the best ones, the other can play to, but they has to make a *2nd squad*, the fun squad, there is no other way in my opinion, if u want to rock the net.
or u want just funwars, then there is no need for training, go to urban terror at quake net, find another clan and make fun wars.
i hope u can all understand what im trying to say, my english is school english last used 15 years ago -.-
bb harley