btw, i found another faillure, a pretty silly one.
the servers were advertising themselfes on the
but were the 234, on the 230 is q3 games.
however, now its correct.
its in fact some old "bug" in config.
we wanted to move the urt to its own IP address since we were in lack of ports (especially the tcp 80).
so we changed IP, ca. 1 year ago in old location.
the result was: all clients sent new ID to the server.
to avoid the desaster, we let the port open on the old IP and let the servers advertise the old IP in masterlist.
after moving, all systems are sure the same.
every old IP has a New IP as a substitute.
old rules are still active, i forgot in all that trouble to make it advertise the official dswp IPthis time. (its a setting in outbound NAT in router)
yesterday, ana told me that rastaskud added the server to gametracker, under the wrong IP.
i thought myself: wow right lets close that Port. i closed it.
today svarox told me: server is not in masterlist.
ok, u can be in masterlist as much as u want, if theres no server reachable, the client will simply hide it.
so sure i feel silly and yes, sry, starting again from:
oki we just got moved to another shelf, it took 10 minutes till all services were back.
booting takes (i think) 9 minutes...
i start to love this provider