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PostPosted: 08.16.13 
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So if you visit urtinfo and see this:
urt-git-breach.png [ 95.17 KiB | Viewed 15428 times ]

…it’s caused by this:

#urbanterror on QuakeNet wrote:
Aug 16 17:17:54 * RaideR has changed the topic to: // Urban Terror // // Do not PM the Operators // All Services Suspended until further notice
Aug 16 17:19:05 <Driller_> Cough any reason FS could share, this sounds like the websiet is under attack or so?: Shutdown Pending: Team FS have decided to suspend all operations until further notice.
Aug 16 17:20:57 <B1naryTh1ef> Driller_: No information until we feel comfortable sharing
Aug 16 17:22:23 <Driller_> All right B1naryTh1ef that is okay. That etxt feels dramatic so i thought i ask here, but i will hear later the erason. Hope its not that some major dev's are dropping out... Anyway, we hear it later!
Aug 16 17:24:42 <curatrix> Is the UT server down?
Aug 16 17:24:48 <B1naryTh1ef> topic
Aug 16 17:24:50 <B1naryTh1ef> Read it
Aug 16 17:25:16 <Vogg> a little bit of information would be nice
Aug 16 17:25:28 <curatrix> What happened?
Aug 16 17:25:44 <nikkerz> suspended until further notice?
Aug 16 17:25:49 <nikkerz> this sounds juicy
Aug 16 17:25:50 <B1naryTh1ef> We're looking into stuff
Aug 16 17:26:00 <B1naryTh1ef> Thats as much as you can know at this time
Aug 16 17:26:02 <Vogg> riot is buying urban terror?
Aug 16 17:26:10 <B1naryTh1ef> lol
Aug 16 17:26:14 <Vogg> blizzard?
Aug 16 17:26:22 <dcdd> somebody wants to sue?
Aug 16 17:26:23 <Vogg> EA?
Aug 16 17:26:35 <nikkerz> how about brainie
Aug 16 17:27:15 <Nova``> O_o
Aug 16 17:27:43 <B1naryTh1ef> Just keep calm and carry on, as soon as we can tell you whats going on we will
Aug 16 17:27:44 <nikkerz> yeah thats my general reaction to that too
Aug 16 17:30:29 <thelionroars> Don't Panic
Aug 16 17:30:43 <thelionroars> and always bring a towel
Aug 16 17:30:48 <Smve-> hey
Aug 16 17:30:52 <Smve-> whats up with the website
Aug 16 17:30:59 <thelionroars> see topic ^
Aug 16 17:31:11 <thelionroars> info will be given at a later stage
Aug 16 17:31:54 <thelionroars> you can still do that :P
Aug 16 17:32:25 <nikkerz> they just dont show up in server lists right?
Aug 16 17:32:28 <thelionroars> yes
Aug 16 17:32:36 <curatrix> They wont connect
Aug 16 17:32:37 <thelionroars> no master means no server address list
Aug 16 17:32:38 <nikkerz> and im assuming auth doesnt work either
Aug 16 17:32:40 <[b00bs]The-spik> curatrix:
Aug 16 17:33:07 <thelionroars> yeah that's what I figured nikkerz
Aug 16 17:33:13 <[b00bs]The-spik> scroll down to middle. there's ppl on euro servers
Aug 16 17:33:19 <Nova``> this is unfortunate :(
Aug 16 17:33:37 <Nova``> not everyone has IRC, so if Master Server stays dead, not everyone will be able to get back on :<
Aug 16 17:34:20 [b]<RaideR>
Hi guys :)
Aug 16 17:34:24 <nikkerz>
Aug 16 17:34:26 <[b00bs]The-spik> Nova``: no shit? :)
Aug 16 17:34:30 * RaideR sets mode +m #urbanterror
Aug 16 17:34:33 <RaideR> Okay
Aug 16 17:34:36 <RaideR> 1 second
Aug 16 17:34:55 <RaideR> Last night we got a report that we had a breach of our GIT repository
Aug 16 17:35:43 <RaideR> it seems that this is actually true based on them being able to list a FULL direcotry structure of the said repro as well as content in 015 that is not public knowledge. We have basically had our code stolen
Aug 16 17:36:02 <RaideR> at this time, we don't know what we can or can't trust, what systems would be effected.
Aug 16 17:36:12 <RaideR> Auth is pretty much useless
Aug 16 17:36:24 <RaideR> or at least can't be properly trusted any more
Aug 16 17:36:46 <RaideR> Thus ... until such times as we evaluate our own options
Aug 16 17:36:56 <RaideR> i have made the decision to suspend ALL our operations
Aug 16 17:37:04 <RaideR> until we have a consensus on how to proceed
Aug 16 17:37:08 * RaideR sets mode -m #urbanterror
Aug 16 17:37:11 <RaideR> Thanks for you time
Aug 16 17:37:19 <thelionroars> wasn't git being ddosed a few hours ago?
Aug 16 17:37:37 <thelionroars> people on #radiant were saying it was down
Aug 16 17:37:40 <v3nd3tta``> One Question: Why don't you use pubkeys for your GIT?
Aug 16 17:37:57 <RaideR> actually we do
Aug 16 17:38:03 <nikkerz> any chance someone used some basic social engineering on your weakest link
Aug 16 17:38:20 <RaideR> i'm not going into the "hows / whys / whats"
Aug 16 17:38:25 <RaideR> it's fairly pointless
Aug 16 17:38:27 <RaideR> just that it happened
Aug 16 17:38:47 <nikkerz> ok ;x
Aug 16 17:39:17 <RaideR> Either way ... the server with the Gitlab has been disconnected from the internet
Aug 16 17:39:33 <Nova``> 14:13 UTCThe site is currently available, but we are still fighting against an ongoing DDoS so we are going to remain in status red for now. We'll provide additional updates as we have new information.
Aug 16 17:39:34 <RaideR> and im currently getting it ready so that it can be sent away
Aug 16 17:39:35 <[b00bs]The-spik> RaideR: thanks for info
Aug 16 17:39:40 <Nova``>
Aug 16 17:39:50 <Nova``> might not have been accessed by a UT player tbh RaideR
Aug 16 17:40:02 <RaideR> our GIt
Aug 16 17:40:06 <RaideR> is nothing to do with github
Aug 16 17:40:11 <RaideR> thats just "coincidental"
Aug 16 17:40:22 <Nova``> hmm
Aug 16 17:41:25 <v3nd3tta``> Can you change the Topic to something more alarming like "ALL SERVICES SUSPENDED!! - until further notice !!"
Aug 16 17:41:47 <v3nd3tta``> that would hold back half of the questions, because it's more announcing
Aug 16 17:41:53 <Driller_> They stole the closed code or so, meaning the hackers can do now what they want? That would be very sad...
Aug 16 17:42:01 <thelionroars> ah right, I see
Aug 16 17:42:08 <Mars_> v3nd3tta``,
Aug 16 17:42:09 <Mars_> no it wouldnt
Aug 16 17:42:11 <Mars_> nobody reads topic
Aug 16 17:42:20 <Mars_> and they wont start even if its in caps
Aug 16 17:42:24 <Mars_> join msg would help
Aug 16 17:42:32 <v3nd3tta``> ^^ he says it
Aug 16 17:43:00 <v3nd3tta``> and maybe warbot announce
Aug 16 17:44:35 <RaideR> I would like to say that the source code was physically STOLEN
Aug 16 17:44:44 <RaideR> which means people should stay away from it
Aug 16 17:45:05 <RaideR> if that is the case
Aug 16 17:46:28 <v3nd3tta``> RaideR: may i PM you or can I ask something major in public?
Aug 16 17:46:39 <RaideR> you can ask it public
Aug 16 17:46:44 <RaideR> im not doing "Cover up mode" on this
Aug 16 17:46:47 <v3nd3tta``> Anything more than 4.2 affected?
Aug 16 17:47:10 <v3nd3tta``> i mean like, your past and "current" work on HD?
Aug 16 17:47:17 <RaideR> ALL our code
Aug 16 17:47:26 <thelionroars> that sucks
Aug 16 17:47:41 <v3nd3tta``> Holy...
Aug 16 17:47:47 <RaideR> i have to assume that means fstech1 (old HD idtech3 stuff you all alpha played)
Aug 16 17:47:50 <RaideR> our new stuffs
Aug 16 17:47:53 <RaideR> 4.2
Aug 16 17:48:10 <RaideR> it will all come out in the end so it's pointless to shy away from giving out the information
Aug 16 17:48:19 <v3nd3tta``> even FS-CMS?
Aug 16 17:48:23 <thelionroars> so they must have contacted you and told you they did it
Aug 16 17:48:41 <RaideR> out of respect
Aug 16 17:48:45 <RaideR> i will not discuss the source
Aug 16 17:49:03 <thelionroars> sure
Aug 16 17:49:27 <RaideR> At the moment, i am working out "exactly" what could have been taken
Aug 16 17:49:44 <RaideR> lucky for me
Aug 16 17:49:53 <RaideR> the Git system is isolated on its own box
Aug 16 17:50:02 <RaideR> completely independant of any other system or service
Aug 16 17:50:04 <v3nd3tta``> with own access logs?
Aug 16 17:50:07 <thelionroars> mhm

Путін — хуйло

Beginner’s Guide to Urban Terror (woefully out of date)

Daily Deadnade (last updated September 9, 2016)


PostPosted: 08.16.13 
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#urbanterror on QuakeNet wrote:
Aug 16 17:51:33 <v3nd3tta``> I really hope you can manage to sort this out and continue to make great things happen.
Aug 16 17:51:43 <RaideR> I don't mind saying this
Aug 16 17:51:56 <RaideR> I feel personally assualted
Aug 16 17:52:02 <RaideR> they STOLE property
Aug 16 17:52:04 <RaideR> from my flat
Aug 16 17:52:23 <RaideR> be it via the internet
Aug 16 17:52:31 <RaideR> it still the same to me as someone breaking into my flat
Aug 16 17:52:34 <RaideR> and taking my stuff
Aug 16 17:52:34 <Driller_> i can feel with you RaideR that realy feels bad
Aug 16 17:52:43 <Driller_> true ^^
Aug 16 17:53:09 <v3nd3tta``> Completely right, UrT is the Property of FS, interlectual property is also a property.
Aug 16 17:53:28 <nikkerz> well the real question is
Aug 16 17:53:34 <nikkerz> are you going to pick up the pieces and move on
Aug 16 17:53:42 <RaideR> honestly ?
Aug 16 17:53:45 <nikkerz> or close the doors if xy amount was stolen
Aug 16 17:53:45 <RaideR> right this moment
Aug 16 17:53:56 <RaideR> i don't know why i bother
Aug 16 17:54:16 <RaideR> seems pointless ...
Aug 16 17:54:20 <RaideR> if people don't like what we do
Aug 16 17:54:22 <RaideR> they steal it
Aug 16 17:54:24 <Driller_> :(
Aug 16 17:54:25 <majkifajki> nikkerz: it's hard to move on when your tech is on the street
Aug 16 17:54:33 <nikkerz> huh?
Aug 16 17:54:35 <ST66> i like what u do :P
Aug 16 17:54:47 <nikkerz> are you implying stolen code is making him homeless?
Aug 16 17:54:53 <majkifajki> no
Aug 16 17:54:59 <majkifajki> "on the street" = public
Aug 16 17:55:11 <thelionroars> no nikkerz, just turning tricks
Aug 16 17:55:13 <[b00bs]The-spik> lol
Aug 16 17:55:17 <nikkerz> oh, never really heard it phrased as such
Aug 16 17:55:20 <thelionroars> he needs somewhere to take the Johns
Aug 16 17:55:23 <nikkerz> as you can understand my confusion
Aug 16 17:55:25 <thelionroars> </jk>
Aug 16 17:55:30 <[b00bs]The-spik> majkifajki: you do know that the most successful tech companies have their code public
Aug 16 17:55:53 <RaideR> Okay ... i don't want a "Open source" debate to start :P
Aug 16 17:55:59 <nikkerz> lol
Aug 16 17:56:01 <Driller_> haha
Aug 16 17:56:03 <nikkerz> I SAW WHERE THIS WAS GOING TOO
Aug 16 17:56:04 <v3nd3tta``> hehe
Aug 16 17:56:04 <[b00bs]The-spik> i'm just saying
Aug 16 17:56:06 <nikkerz> but i mean
Aug 16 17:56:10 <nikkerz> shit if it's already there
Aug 16 17:56:12 <RaideR> np [b00bs]The-spik :P
Aug 16 17:56:16 <nikkerz> is there no way you can work with it
Aug 16 17:56:18 <s4int> i called CSI, they're on the case
Aug 16 17:56:33 <zwiebi> it was probably that snowden guy!
Aug 16 17:56:37 <[b00bs]The-spik> but for real. idk why you would ragequit with UrT because someone hacked some server
Aug 16 17:56:39 <s4int> haha
Aug 16 17:56:51 <RaideR> because i feel personally violated ?
Aug 16 17:56:57 <RaideR> i don't much care
Aug 16 17:56:58 <nikkerz> i wish our government would quit because they got hacked
Aug 16 17:57:00 <v3nd3tta``> well 4.1 seemed open as of the server mods
Aug 16 17:57:01 <RaideR> for people who force themself
Aug 16 17:57:03 <nikkerz> i would throw a party
Aug 16 17:57:05 <RaideR> onto my personal server
Aug 16 17:57:15 <RaideR> to steal somthing that i put 5 years into protecting
Aug 16 17:57:34 <nikkerz> meh but it's like
Aug 16 17:57:47 <nikkerz> if you had your 5 year old car stolen, would you just quit driving
Aug 16 17:57:58 <RaideR> i MUST drive :P
Aug 16 17:58:00 <RaideR> i don't have to do this
Aug 16 17:58:02 <[b00bs]The-spik> it's not like attacks on FS in any shape were unthinkable. you expected people to trash talk what you work on
Aug 16 17:58:17 <Driller_> No but if your examproof is stolen, will you go basck to school for 12 years?
Aug 16 17:58:20 <H0i> it's just a huge disregard for our work
Aug 16 17:58:22 <[b00bs]The-spik> caving under pressure is not virtue
Aug 16 17:58:29 <nikkerz> its not going back to school
Aug 16 17:58:31 <nikkerz> it's STILL there
Aug 16 17:58:34 <nikkerz> just someone else knows about it
Aug 16 17:58:38 <RaideR> LMAO spik carefull
Aug 16 17:58:40 <Nova``> hmm
Aug 16 17:58:44 <RaideR> i'm not in the mood for "Hard Questions"
Aug 16 17:58:53 <[b00bs]The-spik> i'm not asking any hard questions
Aug 16 17:58:54 <v3nd3tta``> understandable
Aug 16 17:59:45 <Driller_> but they do have to remake the closed part related to anticheat, not?
Aug 16 18:00:12 <nikkerz> anticheat?
Aug 16 18:00:16 <nikkerz> for hd?
Aug 16 18:00:26 <[b00bs]The-spik> i just wrote my opinion about your implied rq. imo you guys should just shake it off, regroup and continue working on the game
Aug 16 18:01:05 <H0i> I'm sure that will happen in the end
Aug 16 18:01:20 <Driller_> the authsystem?
Aug 16 18:02:47 <Driller_> RaideR: I posted the info here, if you dont want it i delete the post:
Aug 16 18:02:58 <majkifajki> [16/08/2013 16:55] <[b00bs]The-spik> majkifajki: you do know that the most successful tech companies have their code public
Aug 16 18:03:02 <RaideR> i have no problem with it
Aug 16 18:03:07 <majkifajki> show me repo of Infinity Ward's engine do COD then :)
Aug 16 18:03:15 <RaideR> everything i said was intended to be public
Aug 16 18:03:20 <majkifajki> or Blizzard's SC2
Aug 16 18:03:26 <RaideR> i want the community behind FS
Aug 16 18:03:33 <Driller_> thought so, just ackowledging.
Aug 16 18:03:33 <RaideR> on how we have been treated
Aug 16 18:03:47 <nikkerz> i dont think it's really fair to compare paid-to-play games to free
Aug 16 18:04:03 <xy> what the hell happened
Aug 16 18:04:11 <nikkerz> fs hacked
Aug 16 18:07:11 <s4int> i wonder who has done this
Aug 16 18:07:18 <s4int> someone quite related to the community
Aug 16 18:07:31 <s4int> or anyone else
Aug 16 18:08:40 <majkifajki> well, FS is not Blizz - we are very small and niche
Aug 16 18:09:40 <nikkerz> well with how raider stated it and wont list a name out of "respect" i'd assume it's something within the urt community
Aug 16 18:09:55 <nikkerz> something/someone
Aug 16 18:10:02 <Driller_> Delirium again? j/k
Aug 16 18:10:19 <nikkerz> lol did delirium do something like that?
Aug 16 18:10:28 <ST66> 42 maps
Aug 16 18:10:31 <H0i> nah del didn't
Aug 16 18:10:34 <RaideR> who is not important :P no discussing that please
Aug 16 18:10:45 <Driller_> yes sry..
Aug 16 18:11:12 <H0i> if you know for sure who did it we wouldn't mind hearing of course..
Aug 16 18:11:15 <nikkerz> ST66: o, must have been before me. i don't know much of all the old hoorah
Aug 16 18:11:18 <H0i> but not in public
Aug 16 18:12:43 <Vogg> I bet it is Fruk
Aug 16 18:12:49 <Vogg> you can never trust these polaks :p
Aug 16 18:13:16 <Nova``> lol Vogg
Aug 16 18:14:04 <akai_> Hi
Aug 16 18:14:10 <akai_> i cant see serv in server list
Aug 16 18:14:13 <akai_> anyone can help me?
Aug 16 18:14:21 <ST66> going to be more people then in 4.2 release :P
Aug 16 18:14:25 <xy> you can connect by ip akai_
Aug 16 18:14:29 <xy> no master though
Aug 16 18:14:32 <akai_> hm
Aug 16 18:14:33 <akai_> k
Aug 16 18:14:41 <akai_> so i can still play pickup
Aug 16 18:14:45 <xy> ya
Aug 16 18:14:47 <akai_> kk ty
Aug 16 18:14:50 <Driller_> akai_:
Aug 16 18:15:19 <akai_> shit :( 0.15 compromised
Aug 16 18:15:59 <Driller_> i only need ip of dustgamxs/bubble bomb thingy -)
Aug 16 18:25:43 <Nova``> Not sure whether these will help people or not, but here's some lists of some UrT servers for people who don't have a private server to play on or whatever. ||
Aug 16 18:26:13 <zwiebi> btw, it may be useful to make a topic somewhere (like UZ) about what happened, and link it on the page so all the ppl who will search for a solution about the master server list can get some info
Aug 16 18:26:35 <Driller_> zwiebi: i made one
Aug 16 18:26:55 <Nova``> Driller_, could you stick up those links i put up?
Aug 16 18:27:03 <Nova``> if possible :)
Aug 16 18:27:09 <Driller_> o yes i post them in that topic
Aug 16 18:27:39 <zwiebi> Driller_ it's nice, but there should be a link to it on the site
Aug 16 18:27:54 <zwiebi> if you google 'urban terror no list from master server' it will send you to
Aug 16 18:28:22 <zwiebi> where the only info is, that everything is suspended

Путін — хуйло

Beginner’s Guide to Urban Terror (woefully out of date)

Daily Deadnade (last updated September 9, 2016)


PostPosted: 08.17.13 
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B1naryTh1ef comments on Reddit

FS on Twitter

Путін — хуйло

Beginner’s Guide to Urban Terror (woefully out of date)

Daily Deadnade (last updated September 9, 2016)


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Aug 16 17:44:35 <RaideR> I would like to say that the source code was physically STOLEN
Wow, someone stole their hard drives? >_>

I don't want to start a flame war, but "to steal" and "to breach privacy" are not the same thing. When something is stolen it's no longer available to the owner and the owner is damaged. When privacy is breached (as in "software piracy") everything is still there and no damage was made. It's like someone looking through your bathroom window while you take shower. Sure it's a crime but not of the same magnitude as theft.

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


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very interesting...

"It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority."
-- Benjamin Franklin


PostPosted: 08.17.13 
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natirips wrote:
Aug 16 17:44:35 <RaideR> I would like to say that the source code was physically STOLEN
Wow, someone stole their hard drives? >_>

I don't want to start a flame war, but "to steal" and "to breach privacy" are not the same thing. When something is stolen it's no longer available to the owner and the owner is damaged. When privacy is breached (as in "software piracy") everything is still there and no damage was made. It's like someone looking through your bathroom window while you take shower. Sure it's a crime but not of the same magnitude as theft.

Well if I was "physically STOLEN" then that would mean a full copy does not exist doesn't it?


But then again some thing is also stolen in terms of knowledge when you do not intend to share it. Look at companies: Espionage of technology, a certain technology is "stolen".


In Germany we got as an example: "Urheber Recht"

§ 12 Veröffentlichungsrecht
(1) Der Urheber hat das Recht zu bestimmen, ob und wie sein Werk zu veröffentlichen ist.

Which basically means you decide if something should be public or not as long as you made it.

My interpretation:
So the knowledge of the content of something you made is in itself something that "belongs" to you. Thus, as someone else takes that knowledge with force he stole something from you as that takes away the "property" that it only belongs to you, now it belongs to other too, even if it is just knowledge.
What I mean is that the attribute of knowledge is that only knew know it can be stolen, because that attribute is taken from you.
So its not only privacy that has been breached.


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Web back up, auth still disabled; official announcement.

Путін — хуйло

Beginner’s Guide to Urban Terror (woefully out of date)

Daily Deadnade (last updated September 9, 2016)


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B1naryTh1ef quits Frozen Sand. Do not miss the drama!

Путін — хуйло

Beginner’s Guide to Urban Terror (woefully out of date)

Daily Deadnade (last updated September 9, 2016)


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JRandomNoob wrote:
B1naryTh1ef quits Frozen Sand. Do not miss the drama!

Fred is gone!


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Cant see the thread...


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