server down

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server down

Postby SteveMcqueen » 11.07.08

right atm?? :mrgreen:

Re: server down

Postby knirps » 11.07.08


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Re: server down

Postby GhostSoul » 11.07.08

scheint so... :roll:
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Re: server down

Postby wurst » 11.07.08

oki guys, new times came up with that bleble server down every some 2 weeks.
the prob is that the application hang, so it must be shut down manually to free the port.
the other prob is that we have a windows server here. many gameservers run on linux too, but ALL run on windoof.
in fact theres no real solution applicable for me lil njub, so is the dirty small trix that are going to save ur free time.

first theres ks advanced host monitor. its rly great monitoring tool (for windows, if u have some things to watch in the internet AND u have some days time: its ur program too!!!)

oki here it goes:

1.) find out wether server answer (the prog sends a simple "getstatus", if the answer dont contain the word "status", somes wrong...)

(17.23 KiB) Downloaded 5603 times

(10.35 KiB) Downloaded 5599 times

2.) use the remote agent (monitoring server is for performance reasons on another box...), execute the following on the gameserver:

Code: Select all
taskkill /F /IM ioUrTded.exe
taskkill /F /IM python.exe

--> python.exe is the B3 bot, it must be restarted too since it hangs after losing connection to the server...

oki, wether it worx or not we see next time when its

a) simply off
b) i have mail in blackberry and its running
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Re: server down

Postby GhostSoul » 11.08.08

send me the tool and the data pls
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Re: server down

Postby SteveMcqueen » 11.16.08

somehow wurst tripped, fell and is down again now...

Re: server down

Postby wurst » 11.17.08

je, and i dont know why the taskkill isnt started remotely :roll:
ive got to figure that out on weekend...
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Re: server down

Postby SteveMcqueen » 11.25.08

aus aktuellem anlass: *BUMP*

Re: server down

Postby GhostSoul » 11.25.08

jo, aber geht ja jetz wieder :D
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Re: server down

Postby wurst » 12.24.08

hm the prob remain, dunno
my taskkill script is a batch, the monitor just wanna start exe, i generated exe with "steel runas", using the same user under that the gameserver runs. still no effect.
problem is that i can just practise with that when the server is down.
dunno another idea is gamehost, with that tool u can run q3 as a service.

so every 2 weeks the gameserver fuck up cause it raise its own virtual memory over 2 gb.
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