by Unclefragger » 08.03.09
first: WoW Steve lives!
2nd about the php stuff: PHP started as a very simple scripting language mainly used to generate HTML sites. HTML is just a formating language, no script/code thingy involved, nothing executed. PHP "evolved" to fit programming "needs" (yeah well from my point of view it's not really needed but ...) like functions, classes, objects, modules, instances, frame works, threads. Mainly because people got lazy, but hey, having a few thousand lines executed that are not needed at all ... who cares in the times of quad cores for everyones budget? Despite the fact that it is mainly used to dynamically generate HTML pages it has not much to do with it, and the last thing that applies is that HTML comes from PHP, HTML is way older. PHP generally sucks when it comes to error messages or other debugging stuff, example: function($A, $B) { echo $C } will return nothing if you call it function($A, $B, $C) and no error will be displayed. There are more flaws and issues, but that one once has cost me half a day ...
3rd: !wc can only be used by the level of 80 or above (maybe even 100, no one has 80 AFAIK), !wr is the weapon of choice
4th: !bigtext shouldn't be used to spam or greet, I think I have to agree with Steve, I'm not sure about !mute, I'm going to figure out later if it's worse to have 20 people on the server muted or slapped/kicked.
"Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live."
- Martin Golding