Teamdamage bans

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Re: Teamdamage bans

Postby wurst » 06.29.09

btw i saw that the bot counts double damage somehow after last update.
when i kill someone it say me allways "(200)"
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Re: Teamdamage bans

Postby ChineseDemocracy » 06.29.09

Can admins and/or mods manually "forgive" people by using the !warnremove command if they see the event and knew it was a genuine mistake?
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Re: Teamdamage bans

Postby AimMe » 06.29.09

Yes, but it takes quite long time. I'm sure admin/mod will die before he writes that.

I forgive people whk tk me when it's my fault (i am slicing and guy kills me and my target) or when somebody says "sorry", no matter how he killed me.
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Re: Teamdamage bans

Postby Jochen » 06.29.09

AimMe wrote:I forgive people whk tk me when it's my fault (i am slicing and guy kills me and my target) or when somebody says "sorry", no matter how he killed me.

same for me. when i step on a nade which was dropt by teammate because he got killed i dont even wait for the sorry.

unfortunately as i said before not many use the forgive.

maybe another idea. enable a protection from teamdamage for registered users, like admins have it. this way you make sure that the registered much palying users are not victims of team damage.
i learned from my experience that most likely tk's (those who dow kills at will and not by accident) are normally not registered with the server.


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Re: Teamdamage bans

Postby Deviant » 06.29.09

I suppose there's no way to have some sort of 'Forgive <player> F1/F2?' to pop up to the player who got killed by a teammate (I mean like the way we vote maps)? At least I don't usually even notice whether it was enemy or teammate who killed me (unless it's really obvious / there are no enemies around).

Offtopic: Any chance to get rank showing on the signatures we all have?
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Re: Teamdamage bans

Postby SteveMcqueen » 06.29.09

registered user thingy should be possible somehow... lets see what the other speak about this.

bind f3 "say !fp" would work like you suggested. but every client has to set this for her/himself.........................

Re: Teamdamage bans

Postby SKracht » 06.29.09

Hm it is a little bit annoying sometimes.
I had to type !fa often today, and then some guy saw me throwing a nade into one of the tunnels on coconut and went straigth into it, finding himself flying around in pieces. I got kicked.

Some maps feel like I get killed by teamfire more often than by enemys. I try to avoid teamdamage as best as possible and become kicked for one stupid guy doing suicide with my nade.

Thats grrrrrrr.

Don't have a solution but erm, just want to agree that there should be some workaround.
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Re: Teamdamage bans

Postby SteveMcqueen » 06.29.09

for one single kill you should not get banned. you must have racked up some more damage before. or the bot just sucked at that time.

Re: Teamdamage bans

Postby SKracht » 06.29.09

Hm is teamdamage count set to 0 on every map or do I collect it?

I hit, maybe 2 or 3 other teammates during around 1 hour of playing, and i think the nade thing was the onlytime my 'victim' died.

I've a teamkill to teamdeath ratio of 0.50 which is good I think, getting kicked after hours of playing and being killed by others, always waiting for an apologize, feels somekind of 'unfair'.
However, I take time to forgive if it's not for the third or fourth time.

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Re: Teamdamage bans

Postby natirips » 06.29.09

Just a hypothetical idea, maybe not kick/ban players with small teamkill/teamdeath ratio so soon. So one can from time to time freely teamkill a real teamkiller*, or play in a more relaxed manner.

*real teamkiller: those idiots that stand on the spawn point with a knife or something and hit teammates.
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