MAPPING: Making curves with patch meshes

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Re: MAPPING: Making curves with patch meshes

Postby SteveMcqueen » 06.22.09

Code: Select all
Also, get rid of the patches and use thin brushes with nodraw on all faces except the face with the vine textures- patches are a huge performance hit and should not be used unless absolutely necessary (they draw at run time, instead of being 'baked in' to the bsp at compile time like brushes or models are).

nothing else to say---

Re: MAPPING: Making curves with patch meshes

Postby SteveMcqueen » 06.23.09

compiling BSP -meta -patchmeta bakes meshes also into the BSP, but is only good if the textures are okay. else you will have to learn modelling...,13292.0.html

so to say patchmeta turns meshes into brushes so no further calculation of them ingame... no need to model when that is enough. a fixed level of detail gets set for mesh in the BSP process, so there is no need for the ingame calculations.

Re: MAPPING: Making curves with patch meshes

Postby SteveMcqueen » 07.06.09

final words from TwentySeven
Patches also cost alot in collision detection.
Use 3dsmax and just model anything organic using it. MUCH better performance.

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