Happy Draik and Viktoria Topic

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Re: Happy Draik and Viktoria Topic

Postby wurst » 03.12.22

Hey thats great news!

Seeya soon, Blinky should be very close if You need a ride or something.
Im so happy that ure alive!
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Re: Happy Draik and Viktoria Topic

Postby wurst » 03.13.22

Hey good morning!

Still bad news from Ukraine, every day the Russians try something else.
Tonight Russia used phosphorus munitions over civil area as ist seems.

I know that stuff from baltic sea, where it still accours on the beaches from time to time.
Specially in winter time its dangerous:
It looks like a special stone, tourists and children think it might be amber.
When it gets warm inside their pockets, it starts to burn itselt, even after 70 years!

However, Ukraine still is able to use airspace.
Putin threatens everyone to help Ukrainians with weapons, so he tries to force all europeans to enter the war.
He should just shut up and run. We already recieved his atomic offer. Yes we are scared.
And Putin has to be stopped.
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Re: Happy Draik and Viktoria Topic

Postby Pirat » 03.13.22

wurst wrote:[...]
We already recieved his atomic offer. Yes we are scared.
And Putin has to be stopped.

I don't know how much truth there is to it, but I have read that Putin did not replenish the tritium in his nukes within the last 30 years (tritium has a half-life of 12.3 years, and needs to be replaced every 10 years, otherwise the nukes turn into more or less "just" Polish fireworks:

https://www.sipri.org/commentary/topical-backgrounder/2020/starve-nuclear-weapons-death-tritium-freeze wrote:What is the effect of removing tritium from a nuclear warhead? A good example is revealed in unclassified information about the UK's Trident warhead. The full yield of the warhead is about 100 kilotons as designed and deployed. There is a version that only has the fission-stage boosted primary for relatively small engagements. But if the tritium is removed from the fission stage, then the yield drops to only 0.3 kt. Although 0.3 kt is not total disarmament, it is small enough to be militarily insignificant, especially when launched from a multibillion-dollar platform: a Trident submarine. Simply put, modern nuclear weapons without tritium are not military weapons.

The only nukes that might have gotten tritum replenishment are those in the Russian submarine fleet. But those are said to be monitored completely and kept in check by individual US submarine hunters (or similar vessels).

Hmmmmm .....

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Re: Happy Draik and Viktoria Topic

Postby wurst » 03.14.22

We shouldnt think were save just because Putins bombs are old.
We should make him to history where he belongs. Hes a normal criminal and he presents us 1 last orgasm of soviet bla.
Its funny how the free World reacts on that instead just fucking him off. Putin bought alot people from his stolen money, thats why.

And of course Russia is weak, its almost a failed state.
Its because Criminals always take all the money.
And then is nothing left.

BTW nothing new from there, Russians still try to cut off the main cities supply.
They are still shelling.
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Re: Happy Draik and Viktoria Topic

Postby zietsh » 03.14.22

I read something similar to Pirats (certainly 110% correct) analysis. That you have to basically rebuild the nukes every 10 years to be sure of good functionality. The cost of that alone is assumed to be so high that it just does not fit into the approximate expenditure numbers for the russian forces. But then again maybe thats the reason they don't have enough fule/food/tires/bridges etc. .... maybe it all went into the nukes and yachts.

But I did not even get the rank of armchair general sooo....

I also remember a soyuz rocket or its payload once had some problem and it turned out some bolt did not fit correctly and the guy "repairing" it decided to make it fit with a hammer.... then again that all can be the result of "they pretend to pay us so we pretend to work".
But I agree that of the thousands of nukes they are still enough to take them serious even if 50% don't work. Doesn't mean though that its not just the right thing to do to fight Putin.
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Re: Happy Draik and Viktoria Topic

Postby RunTMC » 03.14.22

draik wrote:Hi there.

We made it to Frankfurt (Langen to be precise).

Everything is OK we have a place to stay food etc. Big thanks to kind people of EU (Germany and Poland in particullar).
Currently i have not much time for status upgrades now.
Things need to settle down a bit.

Cya soon.

Nice to read this! :)

Best regards


PS: The photo I posted before is from my place of birth . There was an event at the Gruga-Park called "Park-Leuchten". I thought this photo was a good idea to wish peace for everyone and esp. for the Ukraine.
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Re: Happy Draik and Viktoria Topic

Postby Pirat » 03.15.22

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Re: Happy Draik and Viktoria Topic

Postby havoc » 03.24.22

its all fucked up
tremendously fucked up
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Re: Happy Draik and Viktoria Topic

Postby Crusher » 05.15.22

Hi draik and Viktoria

Hope you are ok, f#ck Putin!
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