I am working on a rts/rpg 2D engine, and I have a number of ideas/concepts for story and gameplay, but progress is slow when you live with your old parents and work the middle shift. Thus, I have no time in the morning, I get home around 20:00, and my mom always has way to many plans for every weekend.Pirat wrote:You might want to try one of these:-
- http://www.agidev.com/download/
- http://sciprogramming.com/
But enough of me complaining about life, here's a bonus round: I currently have plans to try and get some of my students to do some mapping in radiant, justifying it with that they will learn graphics editing software (for textures), data structures (.pk3), theory of 3D simulations (portals, map design for optimal fps, collision boxes, rendering order...), basic coding (.shader) and so on.